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1877 - 1939 |
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Birth |
11 Oct 1877 |
High St, Nth Sydney, Willoughby |
Gender |
Male |
Died |
16 Feb 1939 |
Chatswood Reg No 480/1939 |
Buried |
Northern Suburbs Crematorium |
Person ID |
I0036 |
Forsyth Tanners |
Last Modified |
24 Dec 2015 |
Father |
Thomas Todd Forsyth, b. 2 Nov 1839, Holdforths Square, Mill Street, Kirkgate, Leeds, York, England , d. 2 Aug 1921, Willoughby, Sydney, N.S.W., AUSTRALIA |
Mother |
Anne Lile Lewis, b. 10 May 1842, Wapping, London, England , d. 1 Oct 1926, At her residence, Valencia, Lane Cove Road, Chatswood, N.S.W., AUSTRALIA |
Married |
27 Jun 1864 |
St Paul's Anglican Church, Redfern, NSW. Redfern Reg No 1161/1864 |
Family ID |
F003 |
Group Sheet |
Family |
Annie Bennett, b. 29 Dec, Somerset, England , d. 10 Aug 1940 |
Married |
2 Sep 1904 |
High St Willoughby. Chatswood Reg No 6305/1904 |
Children |
| 1. Beatrice Joan Forsyth, b. 27 Jul 1905, Willoughby. Chatswood Reg No 22117/1905 , d. 2 Nov 1998 |
| 2. Phyllis Ann Forsyth, b. 17 Oct 1907, Willoughby. Chatswood Reg No 33476/1906 , d. 28 Jan 1972, St Leonards Reg No 41992/1972 |
| 3. James Robert Bennett Forsyth, b. 11 Apr 1908, Chatswood Reg No 13190/1908 , d. 3 Aug 1991, Willoughby. |
Family ID |
F017 |
Group Sheet |
Notes |
- The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Monday 21 February 1921 p 7
"A well-deserved tribute to a worthy man," said Sir Joseph Cook, Federal Treasurer, at tho Town Hall, Chatswood, on Saturday evening, , in addressing a large gathering of the friends of Alderman R. T. Forsyth, Mayor of Willoughby, and in presenting him with an illuminated address and a gold watch and chain, together with a dinner and tea service for Mrs. Forsyth. Alderman F. C. Petrie occupied the chair.
The chairman said that when he went to the district 21 yoars ago Chatswood was a wildernoss, but even then Forsyth was a household word there. In 1875 the present Mayor's grandfather was Mayor, and in the eighties his father occupied the mayoral chair, The present Mayor vvas in turn an auditor to the council, then alderman, and he had been elected Mayor nine times. The Forsyth family bad blazed the track in the,'slxties' and had put their hands in their own pockets to make roads out from their tannery.
Sir Joseph Cook said that he himself was once auditor toth Lithgow Council, and he looked back to thoso days with pride. Things now-a-days were difficult for mayors as for other people. They were the great unpaid, and they got many kicks. When things went wrong mayor and aldermon got tho blame. Behind all the grumbling there was a solid feellng of appreciation and goodwill towards the public men of this country.
Sir Thomas Henley and Mossrs. T. Bavin and David Anderson, Ms.L.A., also spoke.
Alderman Forsyth, in rospondlng, said that when hin grandfather was mayor. In 1875, the budget only amounted to £500, and in 1888, during his father's mayoralty It had risen to £1000. Last year their revenue was £47,000, and 500 houses, representing an expenditure of £500,000, were put up in the municipality.
Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940) Friday 17 February 1939 Edition: Daily p 4 Article
OBITUARY R. T. FORSYTH Mr. Robert Todd Forsyth, who died on Wlnesdajy night at the Royaly North Shore Hospital. belonged to one of the pioneer families of the Willoughby District and held the record of service in the Willoughby IMunicipal Council, where three generations of Forsyths have held the Mayoral chair. Mr. Forsyth had many friends in Goulburn. He was a noted bowler and a member of the North Sydney Rotary Club.
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Saturday 18 February 1939 p 17
The funeral of Mr. Robert Todd Forsyth yesterday was attended by many business associates and friends. A service was conducted by the Rev. M. K. Gilmour, of the Willoughby Methodist Church. Mr. Gilmour also ofliciated at the Northern Suburbs Crematorium, where members of Masonic Lodges Kuring-gai, Hercules, and Lindfield were led by Wor. Bro. Zillman in a recital of the Masonic ritual.
The chief, mourners were: Mr. James R. B. Forsyth (son), Mrs. R. H. Huberts (daughter, Messrs. J. L. Forsyth, W. F. Forsyth, and Fred. Forsyth (brothers), Mrs. H. Campbell and Mrs. Knight (sisters), Messrs. R. H. Roberts and J. T. Frankel (sons-in-law), Alderman K. O. Forsyth. Dr. J. E. Forsyth, Messrs. W. H. Forsyth, J. O. Forsyth, Chas. Forsyth, E. Forsyth, C. Coulter, T. Mooro Sims, and G. Forsyth (cousins), P. L. Bodley. H. Mudkin, J. Cunningham, and H. Campbell, Mrs. M. Seymour and Mrs. J. Forsyth, and Mr. A. Nix (Mr. Forsyth's partner).
The Premier, Mr. Stevens, was represented by Mr. B. F. Andrews. The Minister for Health (Mr; Fitzsimons), the Minister for Labour and Industry (Mr. Hawkins), and Mr. E. L. Sanders, M.L.A., also attended. The Willoughby Council was represented by Alderman Bales (Mayor), Alderman Milne, and Mr. H. D. Robb (engineer). The Royal North Shore Hospital was represented by Messrs. A. H. Hirst (chairman), Arthur Russell (secretary), E. D. Lancclcy, H. G. Lancclcy, F. McDowell, and Dr Clarence Read (members of the board). The president (Mr. H. Thompson I and member of the board, represented the Real Estate Institute.