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Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

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Matches 1 to 50 of 50

   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Birth   Person ID   Tree 
1 BARREN, Eric Wallace  1900Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I177 WmForsyth Longford Tas. 
2 BATCHELOR, Dorothy Vera  4 Apr 1899Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I210 WmForsyth Longford Tas. 
3 Forsyth, Ada Amelia  11 Aug 1880Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I32 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
4 Forsyth, Alexander  16 Nov 1862Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I7 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
5 Forsyth, Alexander Eddystone  8 Mar 1888Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I83 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
6 Forsyth, Amelia  25 Apr 1864Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I8 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
7 Forsyth, Amy  10 May 1924Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I68 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
8 Forsyth, Amy Amelia Annie  19 Nov 1889Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I24 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
9 Forsyth, Belle Aileen  14 Sep 1896Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I27 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
10 Forsyth, Caroline Mary  9 Oct 1885Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I20 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
11 Forsyth, Clara Edith  7 Jul 1883Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I34 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
12 Forsyth, Dorothea Phoebus  17 Jun 1889Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I85 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
13 Forsyth, Douglas  24 May 1887Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I38 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
14 Forsyth, Edward  27 Dec 1921Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I67 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
15 Forsyth, Edward John  25 Dec 1944Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I94 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
16 Forsyth, Ella Kate  26 Oct 1888Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I40 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
17 Forsyth, George Alexander  10 Nov 1860Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I6 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
18 Forsyth, Henrietta  31 Oct 1871Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I10 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
19 Forsyth, Henry Alexander  12 Feb 1902Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I31 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
20 Forsyth, Herbert Inkeman  12 May 1877Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I15 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
21 Forsyth, Hilda Katie Maud  4 Jan 1884Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I18 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
22 Forsyth, Janet  8 Apr 1890Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I41 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
23 Forsyth, John  19 Sep 1854Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I4 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
24 Forsyth, John Elias  2 Jul 1885Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I35 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
25 Forsyth, John Malcolm  5 Oct 1926Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I69 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
26 Forsyth, Judith Anne  18 Nov 1948Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I95 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
27 Forsyth, Lottie  6 Feb 1893Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I12 JohnandCharlotteForsyth Tas 
28 Forsyth, Margaret Clara  Abt 1920Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I37 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
29 Forsyth, Mary Jane  21 Jan 1867Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I9 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
30 Forsyth, Rhoda Lillian  18 Nov 1878Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I14 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
31 Forsyth, Stella  2 Jul 1895Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I26 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
32 Forsyth, Tasman William John  31 Jan 1887Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I22 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
33 Forsyth, Vera Henrietta  26 Feb 1893Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I25 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
34 Forsyth, William  14 Nov 1856Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I1 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
35 Forsyth, William Alexander  24 Apr 1912Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I91 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
36 Forsyth, William Franklin  16 Jun 1891Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I28 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
37 FRASER-EASTON, Stewart  25 Oct 1921Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I88 WmForsyth Longford Tas. 
38 Hallam, John Alfred  17 Aug 1865Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I42 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
39 Hawkesford, Horace  27 Dec 1890Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I86 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
40 Howe, Violet Gwendoline "Gwen" Madge  25 Oct 1921Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I70 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
41 MacDonald, Donald Angus  20 Jan 1921Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I43 Richard Forsyth and Margaret Liddell Tasmania 
42 Maycock, Colin Aston  27 Feb 1916Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I88 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
43 Pierce, Florence Ellen Mary  9 Jan 1877Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I15 JohnandCharlotteForsyth Tas 
44 Piesse, Francis  26 May 1864Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I56 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
45 Piesse, John Stanley  22 Apr 1897Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I57 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
46 Piesse, Mary Linda  23 Jun 1898Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I58 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
47 Reason, Phoebus  6 Sep 1859Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I16 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
48 Stalker, Eric John  1931Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I75 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
49 Street, Florence Irene  7 May 1888Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I84 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
50 WITT, James Smith  10 May 1852Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I3 WmForsyth Longford Tas. 


Matches 1 to 40 of 40

   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Died   Person ID   Tree 
1 Etherington, Elsie May  9 Sep 1988Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I72 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
2 Etherington, Eric John  3 Jul 1988Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I73 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
3 Forsyth, Ada Amelia  27 Nov 1956Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I32 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
4 Forsyth, Alexander  16 Dec 1893Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I7 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
5 FORSYTH, Alfred Neville  25 Nov 1976Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I74 WmForsyth Longford Tas. 
6 Forsyth, Amy  2 Sep 2010Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I68 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
7 Forsyth, Caroline Mary  9 Dec 1962Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I20 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
8 Forsyth, Clara Edith  26 Aug 1946Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I34 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
9 Forsyth, Dorothea Phoebus  20 Nov 1954Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I85 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
10 Forsyth, Edward  5 Aug 2014Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I67 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
11 Forsyth, Edward John  22 May 1956Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I94 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
12 Forsyth, Ella Kate  11 Mar 1953Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I40 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
13 Forsyth, Herbert Inkeman  3 Feb 1878Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I15 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
14 Forsyth, Janet  3 Jul 1871Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I25 JohnandCharlotteForsyth Tas 
15 FORSYTH, Joan Eileen  15 Oct 2007Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I80 WmForsyth Longford Tas. 
16 Forsyth, John  24 Aug 1893Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I3 JohnandCharlotteForsyth Tas 
17 Forsyth, John  7 Dec 1927Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I4 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
18 Forsyth, Judith Anne  10 Oct 2007Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I95 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
19 Forsyth, Margaret Adelaide  21 May 1979Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I2 Richard Forsyth and Margaret Liddell Tasmania 
20 Forsyth, Margaret Clara  Abt 2011Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I37 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
21 FORSYTH, Marjorie Jean  16 Jan 2004Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I142 WmForsyth Longford Tas. 
22 Forsyth, Mary Jane  6 Sep 1897Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I9 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
23 Forsyth, Rhoda Lillian  26 Nov 1937Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I14 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
24 Forsyth, Stella  4 Jul 1895Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I26 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
25 Forsyth, William  1914Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I1 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
26 FRASER-EASTON, Stewart  4 Dec 2007Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I88 WmForsyth Longford Tas. 
27 Grimsey, Amelia Ann  12 Mar 1913Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I11 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
28 Howe, Violet Gwendoline "Gwen" Madge  8 Apr 2004Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I70 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
29 Mason, Ellen Rogers  6 Sep 1950Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I6 JohnandCharlotteForsyth Tas 
30 MERRY, Harriet Hannah  5 Aug 1895Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I14 WmForsyth Longford Tas. 
31 Nanscowen, Kevin Thomas "Midge"  6 Mar 2010Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I81 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
32 Oswald, Margaret  5 Feb 1861Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I22 JohnandCharlotteForsyth Tas 
33 Piesse, Francis  11 Aug 1922Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I56 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
34 Plummer, Violet Elsie  Abt 1977Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I54 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
35 Reason, Phoebus  22 Jan 1924Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I16 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
36 Stalker, David George  5 May 1994Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I76 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
37 Stalker, Eric John  13 Feb 1984Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I75 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
38 Stalker, William John  12 Mar 1982Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I74 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
39 Street, Florence Irene  9 Aug 1944Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I84 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
40 Sturgess, Johanna  11 May 1902Hobart, Tasmania, Australia I17 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 


Matches 1 to 10 of 10

   Family   Married   Family ID   Tree 
1 Forsyth / Grimsey  10 Oct 1876Hobart, Tasmania, Australia F2 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
2 Forsyth / Mason  7 Mar 1877Hobart, Tasmania, Australia F3 JohnandCharlotteForsyth Tas 
3 Forsyth / Reason  9 Jul 1887Hobart, Tasmania, Australia F4 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
4 Clewer / Forsyth  30 Nov 1893Hobart, Tasmania, Australia F19 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
5 Piesse / Forsyth  31 Oct 1895Hobart, Tasmania, Australia F17 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
6 Forsyth / Pierce  7 May 1901Hobart, Tasmania, Australia F4 JohnandCharlotteForsyth Tas 
7 Forsyth / Flight  11 Oct 1919Hobart, Tasmania, Australia F9 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
8 PANTON / DWYER  29 Jun 1922Hobart, Tasmania, Australia F20 WmForsyth Longford Tas. 
9 ADAMS / Piesse  30 Oct 1923Hobart, Tasmania, Australia F18 John Forsyth + Catherine McGrath Tasmania 
10 WITT / BATCHELOR  24 Oct 1925Hobart, Tasmania, Australia F81 WmForsyth Longford Tas.