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Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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Matches 1 to 10 of 10

   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Birth   Person ID   Tree 
1 FORSYTH, Ernest David  13 May 1874Adelaide, South Australia, Australia I79 John Candlish Forsyth 
2 FORSYTH, Laura  13 Oct 1875Adelaide, South Australia, Australia I80 John Candlish Forsyth 
3 FORSYTH, Violet Candlish  06 May 1858Adelaide, South Australia, Australia I25 John Candlish Forsyth 
4 MITCHELL, Walter  17 Mar 1854Adelaide, South Australia, Australia I86 John Candlish Forsyth 
5 SHEARER, Ann Sophia  27 Sep 1871Adelaide, South Australia, Australia I34 George Allen Forsyth Family 12 Oct 2018 
6 SHEARER, John Forsyth  6 Aug 1869Adelaide, South Australia, Australia I37 George Allen Forsyth Family 12 Oct 2018 
7 SHEARER, Margaret Georgina  15 Oct 1867Adelaide, South Australia, Australia I35 George Allen Forsyth Family 12 Oct 2018 
8 SIMON, Laura Ada  02 Mar 1879Adelaide, South Australia, Australia I41 John Candlish Forsyth 
9 WALTERS, Richard John  27 Jul 1847Adelaide, South Australia, Australia I29 John Candlish Forsyth 
10 Warren, Kathleen Mary  02 Dec 1892Adelaide, South Australia, Australia I24 Charles Codrington Forsyth 


Matches 1 to 9 of 9

   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Died   Person ID   Tree 
1 Forsyth, Harold Leslie  16 Jan 2003Adelaide, South Australia, Australia I90 AlexanderForsythHelenSoutar 
2 FORSYTH, John Candlish  29 Nov 1883Adelaide, South Australia, Australia I10 John Candlish Forsyth 
3 FORSYTH, Lily Smith  08 Jul 1957Adelaide, South Australia, Australia I27 John Candlish Forsyth 
4 FORSYTH, Willie Le Roy  15 Aug 1969Adelaide, South Australia, Australia I83 John Candlish Forsyth 
5 SHEARER, Ann Sophia  13 Dec 1879Adelaide, South Australia, Australia I34 George Allen Forsyth Family 12 Oct 2018 
6 SHEARER, Margaret Georgina  13 Dec 1867Adelaide, South Australia, Australia I35 George Allen Forsyth Family 12 Oct 2018 
7 SIMON, Theodor Frederick  1894Adelaide, South Australia, Australia I40 John Candlish Forsyth 
8 WALTERS, Richard John  22 Jan 1922Adelaide, South Australia, Australia I29 John Candlish Forsyth 
9 WILLIAMS, Ridley  01 Dec 1922Adelaide, South Australia, Australia I74 John Candlish Forsyth 


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Family   Married   Family ID   Tree 
1 SHEARER / FORSYTH  1 Jan 1867Adelaide, South Australia, Australia F11 George Allen Forsyth Family 12 Oct 2018 
2 SIMON / FORSYTH  29 May 1878Adelaide, South Australia, Australia F10 John Candlish Forsyth