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Birth |
10 Oct 1836 |
Folksworth, Huntingdonshire, England |
Gender |
Female |
Died |
25 Sep 1922 |
Pynsent St. Horsham, Victoria |
Person ID |
I319 |
Forsythe of Horsham & WA |
Last Modified |
6 Jun 2015 |
Family |
Henry William Morris HUTCHINSON, b. 29 Nov 1829, London, England , d. 12 Aug 1881, "Darrigan" Wimmera Shire, Victoria |
Married |
15 Nov 1853 |
Balmoral, Victoria |
Children |
| 1. Charles Henry HUTCHINSON, b. 1854, d. 1907 |
| 2. John Thomas HUTCHINSON, b. 1856, d. Oct 1953 |
| 3. Ellen HUTCHINSON, b. 1857, d. 1927 |
| 4. William Morris HUTCHINSON, b. 09 May 1864, Mt Sturgeon Station, Dunkeld, Victoria Reg No 8264/1864 , d. 24 Jul 1951, Kew, Victoria Reg No 10233/1951 |
| 5. Henry William Morris HUTCHINSON, b. 1859, d. 1933 |
| 6. Mary Jane HUTCHINSON, b. 1861, d. 1941 |
| 7. Lorenzo HUTCHINSON, b. 1862, d. 1942 |
> | 8. George HUTCHINSON, b. 26 Jun 1866, Dunkeld, Victoria , d. 04 Dec 1948, Private Hospital, Horsham, Victoria |
| 9. Annie HUTCHINSON, b. 1867, d. 1927 |
| 10. Sarah Ann HUTCHINSON, b. 1868, d. 1869 |
| 11. Eliza HUTCHINSON, b. 1870, d. 1956 |
| 12. Alfred Underwood HUTCHINSON, b. 25 Aug 1871, Mt Sturgeon Station, Dunkeld, Victoria Reg No 22830/1871 , d. 26 Mar 1958, Horsham, Victoria. Suicide. Reg No 22768/1958 |
| 13. James HUTCHINSON, b. 1872, d. 1875 |
| 14. Rhoda Naomi HUTCHINSON, b. 1874, d. 1864 |
| 15. Thomas HUTCHINSON, b. 1875, d. 1875 |
| 16. Frederick Ernest HUTCHINSON, b. 1877, d. 1961 |
| 17. Ada Emily HUTCHINSON, b. 1879, d. 1949 |
| 18. Eva Alice HUTCHINSON, b. 1880, d. 1926 |
Last Modified |
6 Jun 2015 |
Family ID |
F85 |
Group Sheet |
Notes |
- The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954) Tuesday 26 September 1922 p 5
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Mrs. Henry Hutchinson, sen., a very old and highly respected resident of the Western Wimmera, passed away yesterday afternoon at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. B. Ballinger, Pynsent-street. Horsham. She had reached the advanced age of 85, and until a couple of months ago had led a very active life. Born at Stilton, England, she came to Australia in 1852, landing at Geelong. She was married at Balnoral in 1853, and sub sequently lived with her husband at Mount Sturgeon (Dunkeld), finally settling at Nurrabiel in 1875. She was widely known throughout the dis trict for her splendid character and good works. She was the mother of I8 children, 14- of whom are living- John Thomas, Melbourne; Mrs. C. S. McDonald. Stawell ; Henry. Nurrabiel; Mrs. J. Dewar, Stawell; Lorenzo, Beverley, W.A. ; William. Bar ham. N.S.W. ; George, Wail; Mrs. B. Ballinger. Horsham ; Mrs. J. Neil, Geelong; Alfred, Lower Norton; Mrs. F. M. Pemberton, Melbourne : Fred, Nurrabiel ; Mrs. James Mott, Urange line, N.S.W., and Mrs. Jones, Mel bourne. There are 105 grandchildren. 100 great grandchildren and 1 great great grandchild. The deceased 's husband predeceased her. The body will be taken from Mrs. Ballinger's re sidence, Pyasent-street, Horsham, to morrow (Wednesday) at 10 a.m.. and is expected to reach the Nurrabiel Cemetery at about 1 p.m.
The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954) Friday 29 September 1922 p 5
Obituary The funeral of the late Mrs. Henry Hutchinson, sen., took place at the Nurrabiel Cemetery on Wednesday af ternoon. Four grandsons of the de eeased-T., E.. A. and N. Hutchinson -were the pall-bearers, the burial ser vice being read by the Rev. G. Wong. Messrs.a A. F. Weight : & Sons. crried out the funeral arrangements.