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Birth |
Abt 1911 |
Katanning WA |
Gender |
Male |
Died |
05 Jan 1931 |
Fremantle Hospital after diving off Rockingham Pier |
Person ID |
I3 |
John Candlish Forsyth |
Last Modified |
23 Sep 2021 |
Notes |
- The West Australian (Perth, WA : 1879 - 1954)
Thu 8 Jan 1931 Page 3
The Late Mr. N. W. C. Forsyth.
The late Mr. .Norman William. Clarence For-
syth, who was injured while swimming at Rock-
ingham on Sunday, died at Fremantle on Monday
morning. The deceased was born at Katanning
20 years ago. He joined the 'Young Australia
League in 1921 and was an enthusiastic and ac-
tive member. For his good work oh behalf of
the league be was awarded life membership. He
was a prominent member, of. the band and took
part in the 1925 European and 1929 American
Canadian tours. He also took part in various
State concert and interstate tours, and was ex-
ceedingly popular. When the sad news reached
the 'party, who are at present touring the
Eastern States, a special parade was called,
colours were lowered, the Last Post sounded, and
fitting references to the good work of the de-
ceased were made by the founder and honorary
dirctor of the league (Mr. J. J. Simons). The
parents and family of the deceased are very well
known, having resided in the metropolitan area
for many years, and a very large number of
telegrams and' communications of sympathy have
been extended to them in their very sad loss.
His father, Mr. W. C. Forsyth, will be remem-
bered as a member of the Fremantle Municipal
Council in 1897.
The. funeral took place yesterday, when the
remains were interred in the Church of England
Cemetery, Karrakatta, in the presence of a very
large gathering. The Rev. Canon E. M. Col-
lick officiated' at the graveside, and in a brief
address referred to the sad circumstances which
caused 'the loss of so young a life. The chief
mourners were Messrs. W. C.' Forsyth (father),
R. C and J. H. Forsyth (brothers), Mrs., R. D.
Howard (aunt), and .Mr., and Mrs. E. D. For-
syth- (cousins). The pall bearers were Messrs
L. T. Boas (general president), L. Murphy, and
C. Robertson (Young Australia League), J.' Ken-
nington (Commercial Travellers' Association), .C.
Sadlier. V.C., J. M. Farrell. O. Beard, and F.
C. Feeley. The coffin was borne to the grave
by officers and members of the 1925 European
and 1929 American-Canadian Young Australia
League tours comprising Messrs. J. Ockerby, D.
Chipper, H. Samuel, R. Bedwell, J. Manfleld, and
H. Murray. , At the conclusion of the service
the Last Post was sounded by Bugler H. Mur-
ray. Numerous floral tributes' were placed on
the' grave, and widespread expressions of sympa-
thy have been extended on all sides.
The funeral ' arrangements were in the hands
of Arthur E. Davies and Co.