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Birth |
22 Mar 1926 |
Ringarooma, Tasmania, Australia |
Gender |
Male |
Died |
26 Aug 1988 |
Ringarooma, Tasmania, Australia |
Person ID |
I245 |
WmForsyth Longford Tas. |
Last Modified |
12 May 2019 |
Father |
Albert Vernal FORSYTH, b. 1 Sep 1886, Longford, Tasmania, Australia , d. 2 Jul 1970, Ringarooma, Tasmania, Australia |
Relationship |
Natural |
Mother |
Edith Amy ROBINSON, b. 1896, d. 23 Sep 1984, Ringarooma, Tasmania, Australia |
Relationship |
Natural |
Married |
1 Sep 1920 |
Family ID |
F57 |
Group Sheet |
Family |
Elvie Ena DIPROSE, b. 1 Nov 1924, Ringarooma, Tasmania, Australia , d. 14 Feb 2011, Scottsdale, Tasmania, Australia |
Married |
1 Sep 1948 |
Ringarooma, Tasmania, Australia |
Children |
| 1. Geoffrey Roy FORSYTH, b. 2 Oct 1952, Ringarooma, Tasmania, Australia , d. 15 Aug 1992, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia |
Family ID |
F99 |
Group Sheet |
Notes |
North-Eastern Advertiser (Scottsdale, Tas. : 1909 - 1954) Tuesday 7 September 1948 p 3 Article
A very pretty wedding was
celebrated at St. Andrew's Pres-
byterian Church, Legerwood, on
Saturday, night when Rev. R. E.
Beckett officiated at the wedding
of Elvie Ena, twin daughter of
Mr and Mrs R. T. Diprose,
'Carisbrook,' Legerwood, with
Albert Mervyn, eldest son of Mr
and Mrs A. Forsyth, Talawa. Mrs
Beckett was organist.
The bride, who was given away
by her father, wore a graceful,
full-trained frock of poinsettia,
silk lace over satin, featuring a
fitting corselette waist, and
Peter Pan collar finished at the
neck with a tiny satin bow. The
long sleeves were pointed at the
wrists and buttoned with tiny,
satin-covered buttons, with which
the back was also buttoned from
neck to hip-line. The cut tulle
veil was held in place by a double
coronet of orange blossom, and
the shower bouquet was of
white hyacinths, Christmas roses,
and maiden-hair fern.
A charming old world model
frock of shell-pink marquisette,
daintily embossed with white was
worn by the bridesmaid, Miss
Ena Diprose, sister of the bride.
The tight-fitting bodice featured:
shirring at the wide-cut neck
line, and a double row of frilling
formed the sleeves, and also
trimmed the bouffant skirt in
pinafore style. A coronet of
hyacinths and veiling comprised
the head-dress, and the bouquet,
was a posy of pink carnations
and mainden-hair fern.
Mr John Forsyth, brother of
the bridegroom, was best man.
During the signing of the
register Mrs R. E. Beckett sang,
accompanied by Mrs H. L. Ran
son at the organ.
The Church was beautifully
decorated by friends of the bride.
After the ceremony, 55 guests
were entertained at 'Carisbrook'
borne of the bride's parents,
where a feature of the bridal
table was an artistically three
tiered wedding cake, made and
presented by Mrs T. J. Berwick,
and decorated by Miss Ellie Ber
Owing to the sudden illness of
the bride's mother, her position
as hostess was ably filled by her
sister, Mrs C. W. Parsons, of
Hobart, who wore beneath her
perchaniki cape a black moss
crepe frock, beaded at the neck
line. Her black model hat was
trimmed with tartan taffeta rib
bon, and she wore a spray of pink
carnations and maiden-hair fern.
Black was also the main fea
ture of the outfit worn by the
bridegroom's mother. A smart,
slim-fitting braided coat was
worn over a silk frock and her
up-turned hat was attractively
trimmed with coloured feathers
toning with her spray of pink
and blue hyacinths.
For travelling the bride chose
a tailored Donegal tweed suit in
brown tonings, with an apple
green blouse buttoned at the
neck, and an attractively feather
ed toque. A green orchid was
pinned to her lapel, and brown
accessories were worn.
The honeymoon is being spent
touring the N.W. Coast and visit
ing King Island. Mr and Mrs
A. M. Forsyth will reside at