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Birth |
19 Sep 1868 |
Ipswich Qld Aust (Q/BDM 1868/001466 |
Gender |
Female |
Died |
28 Jul 1952 |
Toowoomba Qld. Aust. Aged 84 Yrs |
Person ID |
I1281 |
Qld Branch Tree 1 |
Last Modified |
29 Sep 2012 |
Father |
Daniel BRODIE, b. 19 Dec 1834, "Garbel" Arrochar, Dunbardon, Scotland , d. 17 Jul 1874, Oxley, Brisbane, Qld, Aust (Q/BDM 1874/000341) |
Relationship |
Natural |
Mother |
Violet McINTYRE, b. 11 Feb 1835, "Edintaggarl", Glen Luss, Dunbartonshire, Scotland , d. 10 Sep 1911, Greenount, Qld, Aust |
Relationship |
Natural |
Married |
30 Nov 1860 |
Family ID |
F484 |
Group Sheet |
Family |
Arthur Hoey DAVIS, b. 14 Nov 1868, Drayton, Qld. Aust.. (Q/BDM 1868/000849) , d. 11 Oct 1935, Brisbane Qld. Aust. |
Married |
26 Dec 1895 |
Greenmount, Qld, Aust. Source Qld BDM 1895/000465 |
Children |
Family ID |
F497 |
Group Sheet |
Notes |
- EXTRACTS FROM THE BOOK "Loch Lomond to Australia 1862. The Family of Peter & Jane Mc Intyre"
"Violet Christina, known as Tean or Teanie, was born on 19 Sept 1868. in Ipswich, the fifth child and third daughter of Daniel and Violet Brodie.
She was six years old when her father died and the family moved to Emu Creek to live with Tean's grandfather, Peter Mc Intyre. It was a happy living situation. However, her mother, a courageous lady, recognised she had to lean on her own
resources. In 1876, Violet opened a store in Greenmount (then known as The Siding).
Tean attended Emu Creek State School. For most of the time between leaving school and her marriage, she helped her mother run the business which grew and prospered. She was a slim, dark haired, brown eyed young lady with a bright vivacious
personality and loved by all. They were the days of ladies riding side-saddle and she was considered a fair horsewoman.
On Boxing Day 1894, Tean married Arthur Hoey Davis, who had been a classmate at Emu Creek school. The wedding ceremony took place in her mother's drawing room. Sh was given away by her Uncle Colin Mc Intyre and attended by Tottie Neal and
little niece Violet and Kate Allen. By all accounts it was a very pretty wedding. The bride looked charming in a soft white corded silk with long train, the skirt and bodice were draped with lace, caught with orange blossoms. A wreath of the
same flowers was worn with a brussels net veil.
After their marriage they lived at Clayfield w here three children, Arthur Lindsay, Vincent Gower and Violet Mary (Bradley) were born. Their fourth child Eric Daniel Drayton was born at Greenmount in 1908. Tean was a good cook, an expert
dressmaker and payed the piano to provide homely entertaintment for the family .
Arthur was employed as a clerk in the Sheriff's office. In his spare time he wrote, using the pen name of "Steele Rudd". In 1902 he was made Under Sheriff of Queensland, only to be retrenched in 1904. Writing then became a full time
occupation with much work being published over the years. He created Australia's most loved fictional household in "On Our Selection". Tean was very supportive and assisted in many ways with his writing.
Life became unsettled and the family had many moves. Firstly to Sydney in February 1907, the to Greenmount in Noverber of the same year. In 1909 they purchased a 160 acre farm know as "The Firs" on the corner of the Toowoomba-Warwick road and
Nobby road, now known as "Steele Rudd's Corner". Lin and Gower worked the farm until Gower enlisted in Ausust 1915 and served in the first World War.
The chain of events over the past years associated with much worry gradually took toll of Tean;s health and in 1917 the family returned to Brisbane. Tean's condition deteriorated and tragically in 1919 she was hospitalised, suffering a serious
nervous disorder. She died in Toowoomba on the 28 July 1952, in her eighty-fourth year."