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Birth |
02 Jun 1864 |
Arthur Street, Ipswich Qld, Aust. |
Christened |
Source Q/BSM 1864/000661 |
Gender |
Male |
Died |
21 Jun 1949 |
Toowoomba Qld. Aust. |
Buried |
Greenmount Cemetary |
Person ID |
I1280 |
Qld Branch Tree 1 |
Last Modified |
29 Sep 2012 |
Father |
Daniel BRODIE, b. 19 Dec 1834, "Garbel" Arrochar, Dunbardon, Scotland , d. 17 Jul 1874, Oxley, Brisbane, Qld, Aust (Q/BDM 1874/000341) |
Relationship |
Natural |
Mother |
Violet McINTYRE, b. 11 Feb 1835, "Edintaggarl", Glen Luss, Dunbartonshire, Scotland , d. 10 Sep 1911, Greenount, Qld, Aust |
Relationship |
Natural |
Married |
30 Nov 1860 |
Family ID |
F484 |
Group Sheet |
Family 1 |
Mary Jane Mc KINSTREY, b. 08 Aug 1870, Qld Aust.(Q/BDM 1870/000700) , d. 25 Nov 1895 |
Married |
31 Oct 1894 |
Source Qld BDM 1894/000427 |
Children |
| 1. Daniel William BRODIE, b. 07 Oct 1895, Source Qld BDM 1895/002841 , d. 21 Dec 1895, Source Qld BDM 1896/001071 |
Family ID |
F495 |
Group Sheet |
Family 2 |
Agnes GILMORE, b. 03 Feb 1874, East Talgai, Qld Aust (Q/BDM 1874/004546) , d. 31 Jan, Nobby, Qld, Aust (Q/BDM 1927/001108) |
Married |
27 Mar 1902 |
"Springvale:, Goomburra, Qld, Aust Source Qld BDM 1902/00047 |
Children |
| 1. John Leslie BRODIE, b. 21 Mar 1903, Allora, Qld, Aust Source Qld BDM 1903/002084 , d. 06 Sep 1997, Mt. Gravatt East, Brisbane Qld, Aust. |
| 2. Daniel Norman BRODIE, b. 11 Apr 1906, Allora, Qld, Aust Source Qld. BDM1906/002483 , d. 06 Aug 1980, Qld Aust. |
| 3. Agnes Muriel BRODIE, b. 02 Aug 1908, Nobby, Qld, Aust (Source Qld. B.D.M. 1908/010986) |
Family ID |
F496 |
Group Sheet |
Notes |
- Extracts from the Book "lock Lomond to Australia 1862. The Family of Peter & jane Mc Intyre".
"John eason "Jack" Brodie was born on 2 June 1864, the third child and eldest son of Daniel & Violet Brodie of Arthur Street, Ipwich.
He attended school in Ipswich until his father's accidental death in 1874. Jack was a foundation pupil at Emu creek state School in 1875. At first he walked two miles to school from "Benvorlick" and later almost 3 miles from Greenmount. Not
all children liked school and as an older scholar, he had to find and return any runaway pupils.
Jack became a carpenter, serving his apprenticeship with Mr. John Maxwell of Ipswich. He went to Sydney to work for his Uncle Dugald Mc Intyre, travelling by train to Newcastle, the line from Wallangarra to Newcastle having been opened in
January 1888. He then went by boat to Sydney as there was no rail bridge over the Hawkesbury River until May 1889.
After Jack returned to Queensland he purchased on 15 March 1894. a 430 acre farm which had been on the northern boundary of Clifton Station. The only improvement was a boundary fence. The property is still owned by his son, Les, one hundred
years on. Jack built his own house and on 31 October 1894, he married Mary Jane Mc Kinstry. His son, Daniel William ws born on 7 october 1985, but sadly Mary Jane died on 3 November and Daniel on 21 December 1895. Both are buried in the
?Greenmount cemetery.
Jack continued farming thru a very difficult period. The house was cut in two and shifted to a more suitable site, becoming the kitchen of a larger home, "Waratah", which Jack built himself. On 27 March 1902 at "Springvale" Goomburra, Jack
married Agnes Gilmore. Their children were John Leslie, Daniel Norman, and Agnes Muriel (Wilcox).
Dairying was the main source of income with milk being taken to the Mt. Sibley cheese factory. During a severe drought in 1902, a large number of cattle were lost. Grain growing increased after 1921 when the State Wheat Board was constituted,
and a government guaranteed price announced. To reduce costs, most farmers bought a header which was pulled by 6 or 8 horses. Jack bred his own horses and at times had 40 to 50 on the farm.
His sons had purchased the adjoiining property, "Caledonia", and farmed "Waratah" as well after Jack experienced ill health. Jack took an interest in community affairs serving on the committees of Mt. Sibley State School and the Nobby
Presbyterian Church where he was also an elder. He was a trustee of the Greenmount Cemetery.
His wife, Agnes died on 31 January, 1927 and Jack died in toowoomba on 21 Jun 1949, aged 85. Both are buried in the Greenmount Cemetery"