| |
1909 - 1967 |
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Birth |
9 Apr 1909 |
Inverell Reg No 15142/1909 |
Gender |
Female |
Died |
27 Oct 1967 |
Inverell Reg No 41002/1967 |
Person ID |
I11 |
Inverell Forsyths |
Last Modified |
2 Jul 2018 |
Father |
David Forsyth, b. 2 Aug 1875, Nullamanna, NSW. Reg No 12993/1875 , d. 24 May 1953, Inverell Reg No 11943/1953 |
Relationship |
Natural |
Mother |
Hannah Julia Jane Henrietta Pischke, b. 1 Mar 1888, Ashford NSW. Inverell Reg No 25994/1888 , d. 16 Apr 1939, Craignish Private Hospital, Inverell |
Relationship |
Natural |
Married |
8 Jul 1908 |
Inverell Reg No 8013/1908 |
Family ID |
F1 |
Group Sheet |
Notes |
- son Dale?
The Inverell Times Friday 28 November 1930 p 4
The marriage was celebrated on Wednesday, 19th November at St.Andrew's Church, Inverell of Miss Muriel Jane Forsyth, eldest daughter of Mr. D. Forsyth, "St. Albans" Ashford, and Mr. Ernest Edmund Henry Beveridge, eldest son of Mr. E. Beveridge "Claverton Park," Ashford.
The bride, who was given away by Mr. Arthur Beveridge, brother of the bridegroom, wore a frock of white georgette with an uneven hem. The veil worn by the bride was kindly lent
by Mrs. Golledge, Inverell, cousin of the bride. The bride carried an armlet of orange blossoms and asparagus fern. Miss Daphne Slack attended as bridesmaid. She was frocked in bois de rose crepe de chene with hat and shoes to tone. She carried a bouquet of pink roses and fern, tied with saxe tulle. Mr. J. Forsyth, brother of the bride, was best man. The reception was held at the home of Mrs. Golledge, Senr., aunt of the bride, who was assisted by Mrs. Forsyth, who wore a nigger brown spun crepe de chene ensemble.
The bride travelled in a navy crepe de chene ensemble with hat and shoes to tone.
The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a gold brooch, whilst the brides maid was the recipient of a gold signet ring. The bride's gift to the bridegroom was a white xylonite collar box.