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Everil Beatrice Forsyth
Female 1882 - 1972

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  • Birth  3 Apr 1882  Queensland, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender  Female 
    Died  27 Sep 1972  Victoria, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID  I1  William Forsyth and Alice Morgan
    Last Modified  18 Jul 2021 

    Father  William Forsyth,   b. 11 Jul 1841, Elgin, Morayshire, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 9 Sep 1891, Burwood, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Relationship  Natural 
    Mother  Alice Powell Morgan,   b. Abt 1857,   d. 11 Jun 1936, Strathfield, New South Wales, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Relationship  Natural 
    Married  15 Sep 1875  St George Reg No 1614/1875 Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID  F1  Group Sheet

    Family  Valentine Macdonald,   d. Nov 1930 
    Married  1903  Burrowa, New South Wales Find all individuals with events at this location 
     1. David Gordon Macdonald,   b. 8 Jul 1915, Toorak. Victoria, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1998, Victoria, Australia Find all individuals with events at this location
    Family ID  F5  Group Sheet

  • Notes 
    • Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922
      Name: Everil Beatrice Forsyth
      Birth Date: 3 Apr 1882
      Birth Place: Queensland
      Registration Year: 1882
      Registration Place: Queensland, Australia
      Father: William Forsyth
      Mother: Alice Powell Moroan
      Page Number: 4913
      Registration Number: 000009

      Australia, Marriage Index, 1788-1950
      Name: Everil P Forsyth
      Spouse Name: Valentine Macdonald
      Marriage Date: 1903
      Marriage Place: New South Wales
      Registration Place: Burrowa, New South Wales
      Registration Year: 1903
      Registration Number: 3344

      Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1919)
      Wed 22 Apr 1903
      Page 42
      A pretty wedding took place at St. Paul's, Bur
      wood, on April IB, between Dr. Val Macdonald,
      stepson of Judge Noel, of Brisbane, and Miss
      Everll Forsyth, daughter of Mrs. Forsyth, of Bur
      wood. , The bride, who -was given away by her
      uncle, Mr. Little, wore a becoming gown of white
      satin, covered with tucked white mouseline-de
      soie, with a long court train, a coronet of orange
      blossoms, and a long veil. Her bridesmaids were
      the Misses Forsyth, Noel, M'Whannell, M. Little,
      and B. Hetherington, who wore cream cloth
      gowns, and hats trimmed with shaded chrysan
      themums. Mr. F. 0. AdamĀ» acted as best man.
      After the ceremony the guests were entertalntd
      by the bride's aunt, Mm. M'Whannell, at "Yen
      dor," and later In the day the newly-married pair
      started for their honeymoon, to be spent in Mel
      bourne ahd Hobart. The Invited guests included
      Judge and Mrs. Rogers, Captain and Mrs. L. Jen
      kins, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Wilkinson, Dr. and
      Mrs. Hetherington, Mr. and Miss Tully, Mr. and
      Mrs. Harry Levieni, the Misses Alt, Mr. and Mrs.
      . Lindeman, Mr. and.Mrs. Kent, Dr. and Mrs. Blax
      land, the Misses Leitch, and others.

      Victoria, Australia, Death Index, 1836-1988
      Name: Everil Beatrice MacDonald
      Death Registration Year: 1972
      Death Registration Place: Victoria, Australia
      Father: Forsyth
      Mother Maiden Name: Morgan
      Reference Number: 12550

      Australia and New Zealand, Find a Grave Index, 1800s-Current
      Name: Everil B MacDonald
      Birth Date: 1884
      Death Date: 27 Sep 1972
      Cemetery: Melbourne General Cemetery
      Burial or Cremation Place: Carlton North, Melbourne City, Victoria, Australia