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Birth |
1901 |
Branxton Reg No 11100/1901 |
Gender |
Female |
Died |
12 Apr 1996 |
Person ID |
I0686 |
Forsyth Tanners |
Last Modified |
23 Dec 2015 |
Family |
Eric Wilfred Forsyth, b. 1899, St Leonards Reg No 15794/1899 , d. 26 Nov 1947, Drummoyne Reg No 27027/1947 |
Married |
5 Jun 1926 |
Methodist Church, Clanwllliam street, Willoughby. Chatswood Reg No 7403/1926 |
Children |
Last Modified |
23 Dec 2015 |
Family ID |
F240 |
Group Sheet |
Notes |
- The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Monday 21 June 1926 p 4
At the Methodist Church, Clanwllliam street, Willoughby, on June 5, the marriage was celebrated of Miss Jean Forrester, eld- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C Forrester,
Wallington, Neridah-Street, Chatswood, and Mr. Eric W. Forsyth, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Forsyth, of Forsyth-strcet, Wil- loughby. The Rev. H.H. Nolan officiated. The bride wore a mid-Victorian frock of sil- ver lame with an overdress of silver lace, and a train of hand-worked Brussels net. A wreath of orange blossom was worn with her cut tulle veil, and a bouquet of hya- cinth and lily of the valley was carried. The bridesmaids were Misses Irene Forrester, Es sio Palmer, and Irene Forsyth. They wore respectively sunset, pervanche, and prim- rose moracaln. Their crownless tulle hats were trimmed with velvet flowers, and they carried posies of autumn tints. Mr. Wil- liam Gordon was best man, and Messrs. Aub- rey Forsyth and Keith Forrester grooms- man. The reception was held at 'the Town, Hall, Chatswood. 'Mrs. Forrester received the guests In a navy repp ensemble suit, with velvet hat to tone.
Possible death
FORSYTH Jean Evelyn Death notice 12APR1996 Death 85 Sydney Morning Herald 13APR1996