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The Sydney Morning Herald Thursday 16 February 1933 Page 8
BAIN-SCOTT.-February 15. 1933, James John, dearly beloved husband of Margaret I. Bain-Scott, of 10 Alma-street, North Sydney (accidentally killed). For Funeral Notice see Friday's paper
The Sydney Morning Herald Thursday 16 February 1933 p 10
Passenger Fatally Injured.
James John Bain-Scott, of Alma-street
North Sydney, was fatally injured last night, when the car in which he was sitting crashed
over an embankment at North Sydney
He was being driven to a lodge meeting. The driver, a friend, alighted in Alfred-street to get a parcel. The car commenced to roll down the steep hill, and before Scott could gain control of the vehicle or leap from it, it crashed through a railing and fell 15 feet
down an embankment.
Great difficulty was experienced in extri- cating the injured man. He had been criti- cally injured, and died on the way to hospital.
The Sydney Morning Herald Saturday 18 February 1933 p 11
The funeral of Mr. J. J. Bain-Scott, who was killed through a motor accident while on his way to a lodge meeting on Wednesday night, took place yesterday at the Northern Suburbs Cemetery. Mr. Bain-Scott, who was in his' 59th year, was an engineer in the employ of the Sydney Ferries, Ltd., for over 20 years. A native of Scotland, he came to this country about, 49 years ago, spent a con- siderable period on the goldfields of Western Australia, was engineer in charge of the Stockton Borehole colliery when the company shifted its plant- from Stockton to Cockle Creek, and during the war went to Britain and worked as a munition worker.
He was a prominent worker in the Northern Suburbs for the United Australia party, but his outstanding interest was in Masonry. He was W.M. of Lodge Crow's Nest, had just passed through, the First Principal's chair in the Robert Bruce Royal Arch Chapter, was Past Thrice Illustrious Master of Brundah Cryptic Council, Most-Ex-Comp. of Brundah Lodge of Ark Mariners and Council of Red Cross Knights, Ex. and Perf. Bro. of Mont gomerle-Hamilton Rose Croix Chapter, Past Principal of the Preceptory of Waverley, and Past, First Sojourner in the District Grand Scottish Royal Arch Chapter of N.S.W.
The service held in St. Peter's Presbyterian, Church, North Sydney, was largely attended, and was conducted by the Rev. J. Calder, assisted by the Rev. W. R. Poole (Methodist), Rev. Dr. Watson ' (Past Grand Chaplain ia Victoria), and M. Ill. Bro. Donald Smith.
There was a large gathering of Masons in regalia at the graveside, and the Masonic service was conducted by the Rev. Dr. Wat- son. The graveside service was taken by the Revs. J. Calder and W. R. Poole.
The mourners were the immediate rela- tives.
Among the sympathisers present were:-Most Ill. Bro. Donald Smith' (33rd deg.). Sovereign Grand Inspector General; Ill. Bro. Gibbons (32nd deg.). Most Ill. Comp. Robinson (27th-deg.). Most Wise Sov. F. Beach; (18th deg.), Ven. Prefs. A. J. Byrne and B. Hibbert, Most Ex. Comps. Boileau. Shaw. H. W. Levey, McLean, McIntosh, Cunliffe, Burnet, H. Roberts (district grand scribe Nehemiah), D. Wyrth, and H. S. Moss (district grand stewards), Fusedale, P. P. Charles F. Short, Frater G. A. Ander- son, registrar of the preceptory of Waverley District Grand Senischal R. R. Dalziel, and District Grand Marshal H. Roberts, representing the District Grand Priory of Australia; Ex. and Perf. Bros. Wright and J. Lindores, Comps. E. Coote, F. Harley, T. Alderton, Daly, and Ochs:.
Wor. Bros. M. Weinberg, W. V. Thomas, J. A. C. Welman. P. C. Wardrop, James C. Gates, Hand, H. V. Watsford, Boehme. Clissold. Moorehead, Joselin, Minty, Hewison, Baxter, Stiebel. Jack, McKay, Henderson, and Ferguson.
Bros. McDonald, D Brands, W. H. Martin, G. L. Thomas. N. Nevy, S. P. Banfleld, Newton. R. Morrison. W. B Evans, Slack, Knox, Connolly, E. Kent, Schrader, S. E Wynn, W. Newton, H. H, Wells, Bunker, Day, Hood. J. C. Coyte, A. Chapman, C. A. McKay. Willits. White. Burton. Ireland, Watt, Charles, Nuss, Gibson, Stanton, Penfold, Rodwell, Seymour Pank, Allum, W. Thomson, Braden, R. and W. Foster, T. Newton, G. R. and N. C. Horner, E. Goode, A. S ummers, Schweb, J. Fullerton, G. L, Thomas, H. Messent, J. Henderson. A. M. Kidnie and Houlahante.
Mr. A R. Henry. M.L.A.. Captain Coulter. Rev. W. A. Marsh. Drs. Bremerton. Forster, and For- syth, Col Howarth (Salvation Army), Messrs. Lyell Scott (president). Honyburn (vice-president), and J. G. McLaughlin (executive member) representing the North Sydney branch of the United Australia Party: Messrs. W. H. Forsyth, R. T. Forsyth, J. R. Forsyth, J. K. Small, S. P. Banfleld, J. A. Terrill. A. Abrahams, Hilyard, King, Hall, H. Campbell, J. Cunningham, J. Danehy, R. Moore, J. H. Banks, John Lawson, F. Bernard, J. Duncan, H. A. McRoberts, F. T. Frye, A. J. Dobson, Hilton Massey, B. Roberts, Mark Henry, Alderman and Mrs. Watt, Mr. and Mrs. O. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. r. B. Steward. Alderman Brainwood, Mrs. W. Hutchinson, Messrs. J. M. Lane, J. Telfer (secretary of the Institue of Marine Engineers). and Alderman Stanton.