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James Brown Forsyth 

James Brown Forsyth

Male 1845 - 1911

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  • Birth  17 Oct 1845  Buckingham Street, Westgate, Northumberland, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender  Male 
    Died  9 Dec 1911  North Sydney. St leonards Reg No 16434/1911 Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Buried  11 Dec 1911  Gore Hill Cemetery, St Leonards, Sydney, NSW Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Person ID  I0401  Forsyth Tanners
    Last Modified  10 Jan 2018 

    Father  John Forsyth,   b. 31 Jul 1821, St John Horsley Downs, London, England Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Abt 1847 
    Mother  Elizabeth Charlton 
    Married  1844  Newcastle on Tyne,Northumberland, England. 2Q1844 Newcastle Tyne 25 386 Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID  F137  Group Sheet

    Family  Jane Drury,   b. 11 Dec 1848, 7 Burnes St, Sisson Grove, Christchurch, Marylebone, London. Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 23 Dec 1898, Chatswood Reg No 13490/1898 Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Married  13 Apr 1871  Congregational Church, Bourke St., Surrey Hills, NSW. Sydney Reg No 374/1871 Find all individuals with events at this location 
     1. John William Forsyth,   b. 3 Sept 1873, Riley St Surry Hills. Sydney Reg No 2260/1873 Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 21 Jul 1962, late of Henley. Sydney Reg No 18070/1962 Find all individuals with events at this location
     2. Walter Sydney Forsyth,   b. 22 Jan 1876, Sydney Reg No 362/1876 Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 21 Jan 1959, Chatswood. Chatswood Reg No 2307/1959 Find all individuals with events at this location
     3. Charles Frederick Forsyth,   b. 24 Jan 1878, Sydney Reg No 381/1878 Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 23 Dec 1959, Roseville. Chatswood Reg No 31283/1959 Find all individuals with events at this location
     4. Ruth Louisa Forsyth,   b. 21 Mar 1880, Sydney Reg No 983/1880 Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 22 Feb 1944, Chatswood Reg No 1685/1944 Find all individuals with events at this location
     5. Herbert Charlton Forsyth,   b. 1882, Sydney Reg No 3322/1882 Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 26 Jul 1927, RPA Hospital. Newtown Reg No 16340/1927 Find all individuals with events at this location
     6. Maud Jane Forsyth,   b. 15 Nov 1884, Sydney Reg No 3859/1884 Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 22 Apr 1894, at North Shore Hospital. St Leonards Reg No 12564/1894 Find all individuals with events at this location
     7. Florence Elizabeth Forsyth,   b. 1887, Penrith Reg No 29744/1887 Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 28 Sep 1967, St Leonards Reg No 35945/1967 Find all individuals with events at this location
     8. Archibald James Forsyth,   b. 1889, St Mary's. Penrith Reg No 29276/1889 Find all individuals with events at this location
    >9. Grace Gertrude Forsyth,   b. 1892, St Mary's Reg No 33414/1892 Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 23 Oct 1938, Hornsby Reg No 24525/1938 Find all individuals with events at this location
     10. Gladys Lillian Forsyth,   b. 1894, St Leonards Reg No 31370/1894 Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 6 Aug 1971, St Leonards Reg No 56861/1971 Find all individuals with events at this location
    Family ID  F177  Group Sheet

  • Photos
    James Brown Forsyth (17 October 1845 - 9 December 1911)
    James Brown Forsyth (17 October 1845 - 9 December 1911)
    James Brown Forsyth's Tannery
    James Brown Forsyth's Tannery
    James Brown Forsyth Birth Certificate
    James Brown Forsyth Birth Certificate

    James Brown Forsyth Tannery at St. Marys NSW
    James Brown Forsyth Tannery at St. Marys NSW

    James Brown Forsyth Headstone
    James Brown Forsyth Headstone
    Plot: Congregational Section C Plot 14

  • Notes 
    • England & Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915
      about James Brown Forsyth
      Name: James Brown Forsyth
      Year of Registration: 1845
      Quarter of Registration: Oct-Nov-Dec
      District: Newcastle Upon Tyne
      County: Northumberland, Tyne and Wear
      Volume: 25
      Page: 377

      Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875) Wednesday 19 April 1871 p 1 Family Notices
      On the 13th April, at Bourke-street Wesleyan chapel, by the
      Rev. W. Clarke, James Brown Forsyth, of Bega, eldest son
      of the late John Forsyth, of England, to Jane, eldest daughter
      of Mr. W. Drury, of Riley-street, Surry Hills, formerly of

      The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)Tue 18 Apr 1871 Page 1 Family Notices
      On the 13th instant, at Bourke-street Wesleyan chapel, by the Rev. W. Clarke, JAMES BROWN FORSYTH, of Bega, eldest son of the late John Forsyth, of England, to JANE, eldest daughter of Mr W. DRURY, of Riley-street, Surry Hills, formerly of London.

      Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931) Tuesday 18 April 1871 p 2 Family Notices
      On the 18th April, at Bourke-street Wesleyan chapel by the
      Rev. W. Clarke, James Brown Forsyth, of Bega, eldest son
      of the late John Forsyth, of England, to Jane eldest daughter Mr. W. Drury, of Riley-street, Surry Hills, formerly of

      The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Wednesday 19 April 1871 p 8 Family Notices
      FORSYTH - DRURY - April 13, at Bourke-street Wesleyan chapel, by the Rev. W. Clarke, James Brown Forsyth, of Bega, eldest son of the late John Forsyth, of England, to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr W. Drury, of Riley-street, Surry Hills, formerly of London.

      The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1923) Mon 11 Dec 1911 Page 8 Family Notices
      FORSYTH. - December 9, 1911, at North Sydney, James Brown Forsyth, of "Isleworth," High-street, Willoughby; aged 66 years.

      The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1923) Monday 11 December 1911 p 3 Family Notices
      FORSYTH.- The Relatives and Friends of the late Mr. JAMES BROWN FORSYTH are kindly invited to attend his Funeral, which will leave his late residence, "Isleworth," High-street, Willoughby, THIS , AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, for Gore-hill Cemetery WOOD
      and COMPANY, Funeral Directors. 'Phones, .726 Central and 9 North Sydney.
      FORSYTH - Rev. George Walker, L.O.L., No. 150.?OFFICERS and BRETHREN of the above and kindred Lodges are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of JAMES B. FORSYTH, beloved father of Brother John William Forsyth, to leave his late residence, Isleworth, High-street, Willoughby, THIS AFTERNOON, for Gore-Hill Cemetery, arriving at Cemetery at 4 o'clock. Regalia. A. J. TOWNSEND, W.M.; E. NEWTON, Sec.
      FORSYTH.- L.O.L., True Union, No. 123.? OFFICERS and MEMBERS of the above and kindred lodges are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of our late Brother, JAMES B. FORSYTH, which will move from his late residence, Isleworth, High-street, Willoughby, THIS AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, for Gore-hill Cemetery- Regalia. W. MATTERS, W.M.: W. H. FORSYTH, Sec.
      FORSYTH The Friends of the Misses FLORENCE, GRACE, and GLADYS FORSYTH are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of their dearly loved Father, James B. Forsyth; to leave his residence, Isleworth, High-street, Willoughby, THIS AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, for Gore-hill Cemetery. WOOD and COMPANY, Funeral Director. 'Phones, 726 Central and 9 North Sydney.
      FORSYTH. - The Friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. FORSYTH are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of their dearly loved Father, James; to leave his late residence, Isleworth, High-street, Willoughby, THIS AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, for Gore-Hill Cemetery. WOOD and COMPANY, Funeral Directors. Phone, 726 Central and 9 North Sydney.
      FORSYTH. - The Friends of Mr. and Mrs. W. SPRINGETT are kindly invited to attend the Funeral of their dearly loved Father, James B.; to leave his late residence, Isleworth, High-street, Willoughby, THIS AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, for Gore-hill Cemetery. WOOD and COMPANY, Funeral Directors. 'Phones, 720 Central and 9 North Sydney.

      The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1923) Tue 22 Apr 1913 Page 2 Advertising
      BROWN FORSYTH late "of Willoughby in the State of New South Wales Tanner deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that the Accounts in the above Estate have this day been filed , in my office Chancery -square King-street Sydney and all persons having any claim on the said Estate or being otherwise interested therein are hereby required to come in before me at my said office on or before the sixth day of June next at 12.30 o'clock in the afternoon and inspect the same and if they shall think fit object thereto otherwise if the said Accounts be not objected to the same will be examined by me and passed according to law. Dated this- twenty-first day of April A.D. 1913 (Sgd.) T. W. GARRETT (L.S.) Registrar. WILLIAM HENRY MAHONY Proctor for the
      Executors 90 Castlereagh-street Sydney.

      Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907) Wed 3 May 1905 Page 27
      Mr. J. B. Forsyth's Exhibit of Leather.
      At the northern entrance to the main pavilion)
      Mr. J. B. Forsyth made an effective display, re-,
      presentative of an important industry throughout
      this State, viz., the manufacturing of leather. In
      cluded in his exhibit were plain and fancy lea
      thers for the use of the saddler and harness-ma
      ger and bootmaker alike. The saddlers' varie
      ties embraced black and brown (for heavy har
      ness) skirt, stirrup, buggy harness (any shade),
      bridle, soft handpart, and all other Classes neces
      sary for that trade. The boot leathers consisted
      of wax, Russie, and Scotch grain kips, waxed
      yearling, medium and small calf, glassy Persian,
      straight Persian, grain and tan, glazed, satin, and
      glove hides.
      Mr. J. M. Don, mnnager for Mr. J. B. For
      syth, who has had a large practical and theo
      retical experience in England, America,
      France, and Germany, considers these leathers
      superior in character, strength, and durability
      to any foreign-manufactured leathers. Mr.
      Forsyth's works are situated at Willoughby,
      and he has used every endeavour to bring this
      special art to the highest possible pitch, and
      feels disappointed at the lack of competi
      tion in this line at the show. He, however,
      trusts that interstate manufacturers of
      leather in other parts, will come forward and
      compete against him at the Royal Agricultu
      ral show of 1906.

      Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001) Fri 5 Nov 1920 [Issue No.195] Page 6560
      Special Resolution.
      Passed, Monday, 11th October, 1920; confirmed, Monday, 1st November, 1920,
      AT an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members
      of J. B. Forsyth Limited, duly convened and held on
      the eleventh day of October, 1920, the subjoined
      Special Resolutions were duly passed; and at a sub
      sequent Extraordinary General Meeting of the Mem
      bers of the said Company, also duly convened and held
      on the first day of November, 1920, the subjoined
      Special Resolutions were duly confirmed: ?
      1. That it is desirable to reconstruct the Company,
      and accordingly that the Company be wound up
      voluntarily, and that Michael Donald Mackey be
      and he is hereby appointed liquidator for the
      purposes of such winding up, and that his re
      muneration be forty-two pounds.
      2. That the said liquidator be and he is hereby autho
      rised to consent to the registration of a new
      Company, to be named "J. B. Forsyth Limited,"
      with a Memorandum and Articles of Association,
      which have already been prepared with the privity
      -and approval of the Directors of this Company.
      3. That the draft agreement submitted to this Meet
      ing, and expressed to be made between this Com
      pany and its liquidator of the one part, and J. B.
      Forsyth Limited of the other part, be and the
      same is hereby approved, and that the said liqui
      dator be and he is hereby authorised pursuant
      to section 261 of the "Companies Act, 1899," to
      enter into an agreement with such new Company
      (when incorporated), in the terms of the said
      draft, and to carry the same into effect, with
      such (if any) modification as he thinks expedient.
      Dated at Willoughby, this second day of November,
      J. W. FORSYTH,
      Chairman of Confirmatory Meeting.
      C. F. FORSYTH,
      Secretary to Company.
      1826 £1 2s.

      Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001) Fri 11 Sep 1953 [Issue No.159] Page 2951
      IN the matter of J. B. FORSYTH PTY. LIMITED and in
      the matter of the Companies Act, 1936.?Notice is hereby
      given that a petition for confirming a resolution reducing the
      capital of the above Company from £56,250 to £45,750 was,
      on the 10th day of September, 1953, presented to the Honour
      able Charles McLelland, a Judge in Equity, and is now
      pending; and that the list of creditors of the Company is
      to be made out as for the 30th day of September, 1953. P. F.
      IRVINE & CO., Solicitors for the Company, 17-19 Bridge
      street, Sydney. 2762?15s.

      Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001) Fri 13 Jan 1961 [Issue No.5] Page 124
      J. B. FORSYTH PTY. LIMITED.?At an extraordinary
      general meeting of the abovenamed Company, duly convened
      and held at 805 Pacific Highway, Chatswood, on Friday, 16th
      December, 1960, at 2.30 pm., the following resolution was
      duly passed as a Special Resolution: That the Company be
      wound up voluntarily and that Mr. E. N. Kindred, of Chats
      wood, Chartered Accountant, be, and is hereby appointed
      Liquidator for the purpose of such winding-up.?Dated at
      Chatswood, this 16th day of December, 1960. J. W.
      FORSYTH. 77?15s.

      Nepean Times (Penrith, NSW : 1882 - 1962) Sat 10 Mar 1894 Page 3
      St. Marys.
      The friends of Mr. J. B. Forsyth, late of
      St. Marys, but now of North Willoughby,
      will be sorry to hear that be met with a
      very nasty accident the other day. He was
      working at one of the machines, when
      somehow or other his hand caught and two
      fingers were taken clean off and a third was
      considerably damaged.

      The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909) Fri 20 Jun 1890 Page 2
      Machinery Accident. .
      St. Marys, Thursday. ? A very nasty accident happened to a man named William Holmes, a steam leather roller, employed at Mr. J. B. Forsyth's tannery, in St, Marys, yesterday. He was rolling a very old side which required a lot of turning, when he got his thumb under the roller and had it taken clean off. He was conveyed to Penrith to Dr.Shand, who attended to his comforts.
      He is in the Penrith cottage hospital for a few days. Great sympathy is felt in St. Marys for Will Holmes, who is a very steady man and a universal favorite.

      Nepean Times (Penrith, NSW : 1882 - 1962) Sat 9 Jan 1892 Page 6
      St. Marys.
      The above met on Monday night last and elected their officers for 1892, as follows:
      Bro. J. B. Forsyth "President; Bro. W. Holmes, Vice-President; Bro. A. Mitchell, Secretary; Bro. Innes, Treasurer ; Sister Isabella Guild, Chaplain ; Bro. E. Coglan Tyler.

      Nepean Times (Penrith, NSW : 1882 - 1962) Sat 21 Jan 1893 Page 3
      St. Marys.
      Tanneries. Adverse to the present general depression, the St. Marys tanners seem to be exceptionally busy. Mr, A. Thompson has the yard lately occupied by Mr. J. B. Forsyth in full swing. Lorries drawn by a team of three horses, and capable of carrying several ton weight, have taken the place of drays at the big tan yards, and continuous loads of splendid looking leather may be noticed, especially on Monday, travelling to the railway station ; the teams returning with loads of raw material pertaining to tanneries.