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   Notes   Linked to 

Harold Edwin Anderson in the UK, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960
Name: Harold Edwin Anderson
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Birth Date: abt 1911
Departure Date: 24 Nov 1927
Port of Departure: London, England
Destination Port: Sydney, Australia
Ship Name:Bendigo
Shipping line: Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co
Official Number: 145603
Master:Captain R C Nicholl

Service Record
Service Australian Army
Service Number NX33805
Date of Birth 30 Sep 1911
Date of Enlistment 13 Jun 1940
Locality on Enlistment DEEPWATER, NSW
Place of Enlistment PADDINGTON, NSW
Date of Discharge 26 Jun 1941
Rank Gunner
Posting at Discharge 1 Field Training Regiment
WW2 Honours and Gallantry None for display
Prisoner of War No
Harold Edwin Anderson
52 aka Jack
53 ANDREW James Ian Malcolm Death notice 27SEP1992 Death 67 late of Brookvale Sydney Morning Herald 29SEP1992

Service Record
Service Royal Australian Air Force
Service Number 439509
Date of Birth 14 Jul 1925
Place of Birth MELBOURNE, VIC
Date of Enlistment 3 Jul 1943
Locality on Enlistment Unknown
Place of Enlistment SYDNEY, NSW
Date of Discharge 17 Apr 1946
Rank Flying Officer
Posting at Discharge RAF GAMSTON
WW2 Honours and Gallantry None for display
Prisoner of War No  
James Ian Malcolm Andrew
54 Service Record
Service Australian Army
Service Number VX148447 (V32524)
Date of Birth 15 May 1921
Place of Birth PADDINGTON, NSW
Date of Enlistment 18 Apr 1944
Locality on Enlistment YARRAWONGA, VIC
Place of Enlistment IN THE FIELD, VIC
Date of Death 8 May 1945
Rank Gunner
Posting on Death 4 FIELD REGIMENT
WW2 Honours and Gallantry None for display
Prisoner of War No
Lawrence Oliver Andrews
55 Burial
Oliver Andrews
Birth unknown
Death 30 Mar 1949
Yarrawonga Cemetery
Yarrawonga, Moira Shire, Victoria, Australia 
Oliver Andrews
56 Marriage

John Anson
57 aka Frank Francis George ARNOLD
58 Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922
Name: Henry George Arnold
Birth Date: 27 Dec 1881
Birth Place: Tasmania
Registration Year: 1882
Registration Place: Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
Father: Henry Arnold
Mother: Ellen Hill
Registration Number: 54 
Henry George ARNOLD
59 aka Mollie Mary Rita ARNOLD
60 Death
ASHBY Charles Edward Death notice 23MAY1967 Death 49 late of Marrickville Sydney Morning Herald 24MAY1967 
Charles Edward Ashby
61 SHACKCLOTH Claire Aileen Mary Death notice 18JAN2017 Death 93 Sydney Morning Herald 01FEB2017 Claire Aileen Mary BAILEY
The Sydney Morning Herald Friday 6 June 1919 Page 6
BAIN SCOTT.June 5, 1919, at the residence of Mrs. M. D. Coulter, Sofala, 10 Alma-street, North Sydney, Jessie Dow Doller Bain Scott, granddaughter of the late Laird of Bainfield, Cardross, Scotland, and widow of the late James Scott, of Stockton, Newcastle, and mother of James J. Bain Scott, in her 86th year.

The Newcastle Sun (NSW : 1918 - 1954) Friday 6 June 1919 p 5 Family Notices
SCOTT.- Relatlvcs and Friends of the late MRS. JESSIE DOW DOLLAR BAIN SCOTT are kindlv Invited to attend her Funeral, to move from the residence of Mrs. M. D. Coulter. '.Sofala.' Alma-street. North Sydney, TOMORROW (SATURDAY) AFTERNOON. at 2 o'clock, for Presbyterian Cemetery. Gore Hill.- WOOD. COFFILL. & CO.. funeral Directors.

The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)
Sat 7 Jun 1919
Page 15
Family Notices
SCOTT.-The Relatives and Friends of the late Mrs. JESSIE DOW DOLLAR BAIN SCOTT are kindly invited to attend her funeral, to move from the rest dence of Mrs. M. D Coulter, Sofala, 10 Alma street
North Sydney, THIS (Saturday) AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock, for Presbyterian Cemetery, Gore Hill.

SCOTT-The Relatives and Friends of MARGARET ISABELLA and JAMES J. BAIN SCOTT are invited to attend the Funeral of his beloved MOTHER, Jessie Dow Dollar Bain Scott, to leave the residence
of Mrs. M. D. Coulter Scott, 10 Alma street, North Sydney, THIS AFTERNOON, at 2 o'clock, for Presbyterian Cemetery, Gore Hill.
Jessie Dow Dollar Bain

The Sydney Morning Herald Thursday 16 February 1933 Page 8
BAIN-SCOTT.-February 15. 1933, James John, dearly beloved husband of Margaret I. Bain-Scott, of 10 Alma-street, North Sydney (accidentally killed). For Funeral Notice see Friday's paper

The Sydney Morning Herald Thursday 16 February 1933 p 10
Passenger Fatally Injured.
James John Bain-Scott, of Alma-street
North Sydney, was fatally injured last night, when the car in which he was sitting crashed
over an embankment at North Sydney
He was being driven to a lodge meeting. The driver, a friend, alighted in Alfred-street to get a parcel. The car commenced to roll down the steep hill, and before Scott could gain control of the vehicle or leap from it, it crashed through a railing and fell 15 feet
down an embankment.
Great difficulty was experienced in extri- cating the injured man. He had been criti- cally injured, and died on the way to hospital.

The Sydney Morning Herald Saturday 18 February 1933 p 11
The funeral of Mr. J. J. Bain-Scott, who was killed through a motor accident while on his way to a lodge meeting on Wednesday night, took place yesterday at the Northern Suburbs Cemetery. Mr. Bain-Scott, who was in his' 59th year, was an engineer in the employ of the Sydney Ferries, Ltd., for over 20 years. A native of Scotland, he came to this country about, 49 years ago, spent a con- siderable period on the goldfields of Western Australia, was engineer in charge of the Stockton Borehole colliery when the company shifted its plant- from Stockton to Cockle Creek, and during the war went to Britain and worked as a munition worker.
He was a prominent worker in the Northern Suburbs for the United Australia party, but his outstanding interest was in Masonry. He was W.M. of Lodge Crow's Nest, had just passed through, the First Principal's chair in the Robert Bruce Royal Arch Chapter, was Past Thrice Illustrious Master of Brundah Cryptic Council, Most-Ex-Comp. of Brundah Lodge of Ark Mariners and Council of Red Cross Knights, Ex. and Perf. Bro. of Mont gomerle-Hamilton Rose Croix Chapter, Past Principal of the Preceptory of Waverley, and Past, First Sojourner in the District Grand Scottish Royal Arch Chapter of N.S.W.
The service held in St. Peter's Presbyterian, Church, North Sydney, was largely attended, and was conducted by the Rev. J. Calder, assisted by the Rev. W. R. Poole (Methodist), Rev. Dr. Watson ' (Past Grand Chaplain ia Victoria), and M. Ill. Bro. Donald Smith.
There was a large gathering of Masons in regalia at the graveside, and the Masonic service was conducted by the Rev. Dr. Wat- son. The graveside service was taken by the Revs. J. Calder and W. R. Poole.
The mourners were the immediate rela- tives.
Among the sympathisers present were:-Most Ill. Bro. Donald Smith' (33rd deg.). Sovereign Grand Inspector General; Ill. Bro. Gibbons (32nd deg.). Most Ill. Comp. Robinson (27th-deg.). Most Wise Sov. F. Beach; (18th deg.), Ven. Prefs. A. J. Byrne and B. Hibbert, Most Ex. Comps. Boileau. Shaw. H. W. Levey, McLean, McIntosh, Cunliffe, Burnet, H. Roberts (district grand scribe Nehemiah), D. Wyrth, and H. S. Moss (district grand stewards), Fusedale, P. P. Charles F. Short, Frater G. A. Ander- son, registrar of the preceptory of Waverley District Grand Senischal R. R. Dalziel, and District Grand Marshal H. Roberts, representing the District Grand Priory of Australia; Ex. and Perf. Bros. Wright and J. Lindores, Comps. E. Coote, F. Harley, T. Alderton, Daly, and Ochs:.
Wor. Bros. M. Weinberg, W. V. Thomas, J. A. C. Welman. P. C. Wardrop, James C. Gates, Hand, H. V. Watsford, Boehme. Clissold. Moorehead, Joselin, Minty, Hewison, Baxter, Stiebel. Jack, McKay, Henderson, and Ferguson.
Bros. McDonald, D Brands, W. H. Martin, G. L. Thomas. N. Nevy, S. P. Banfleld, Newton. R. Morrison. W. B Evans, Slack, Knox, Connolly, E. Kent, Schrader, S. E Wynn, W. Newton, H. H, Wells, Bunker, Day, Hood. J. C. Coyte, A. Chapman, C. A. McKay. Willits. White. Burton. Ireland, Watt, Charles, Nuss, Gibson, Stanton, Penfold, Rodwell, Seymour Pank, Allum, W. Thomson, Braden, R. and W. Foster, T. Newton, G. R. and N. C. Horner, E. Goode, A. S ummers, Schweb, J. Fullerton, G. L, Thomas, H. Messent, J. Henderson. A. M. Kidnie and Houlahante.
Mr. A R. Henry. M.L.A.. Captain Coulter. Rev. W. A. Marsh. Drs. Bremerton. Forster, and For- syth, Col Howarth (Salvation Army), Messrs. Lyell Scott (president). Honyburn (vice-president), and J. G. McLaughlin (executive member) representing the North Sydney branch of the United Australia Party: Messrs. W. H. Forsyth, R. T. Forsyth, J. R. Forsyth, J. K. Small, S. P. Banfleld, J. A. Terrill. A. Abrahams, Hilyard, King, Hall, H. Campbell, J. Cunningham, J. Danehy, R. Moore, J. H. Banks, John Lawson, F. Bernard, J. Duncan, H. A. McRoberts, F. T. Frye, A. J. Dobson, Hilton Massey, B. Roberts, Mark Henry, Alderman and Mrs. Watt, Mr. and Mrs. O. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. r. B. Steward. Alderman Brainwood, Mrs. W. Hutchinson, Messrs. J. M. Lane, J. Telfer (secretary of the Institue of Marine Engineers). and Alderman Stanton.

James John Bain-Scott
64 The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954) Tuesday 26 September 1922 p 5

Fix this text
----- :o:, -
Mrs. Henry Hutchinson, sen., a very old and highly respected resident of the Western Wimmera, passed away yesterday afternoon at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. B. Ballinger, Pynsent-street. Horsham. She had reached the advanced age of 85, and until a couple of months ago had led a very active life. Born at Stilton, England, she came to Australia in 1852, landing at Geelong. She was married at Balnoral in 1853, and sub sequently lived with her husband at Mount Sturgeon (Dunkeld), finally settling at Nurrabiel in 1875. She was widely known throughout the dis trict for her splendid character and good works. She was the mother of I8 children, 14- of whom are living- John Thomas, Melbourne; Mrs. C. S. McDonald. Stawell ; Henry. Nurrabiel; Mrs. J. Dewar, Stawell; Lorenzo, Beverley, W.A. ; William. Bar ham. N.S.W. ; George, Wail; Mrs. B. Ballinger. Horsham ; Mrs. J. Neil, Geelong; Alfred, Lower Norton; Mrs. F. M. Pemberton, Melbourne : Fred, Nurrabiel ; Mrs. James Mott, Urange line, N.S.W., and Mrs. Jones, Mel bourne. There are 105 grandchildren. 100 great grandchildren and 1 great great grandchild. The deceased 's husband predeceased her. The body will be taken from Mrs. Ballinger's re sidence, Pyasent-street, Horsham, to morrow (Wednesday) at 10 a.m.. and is expected to reach the Nurrabiel Cemetery at about 1 p.m.

The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954) Friday 29 September 1922 p 5
Obituary The funeral of the late Mrs. Henry Hutchinson, sen., took place at the Nurrabiel Cemetery on Wednesday af ternoon. Four grandsons of the de eeased-T., E.. A. and N. Hutchinson -were the pall-bearers, the burial ser vice being read by the Rev. G. Wong. Messrs.a A. F. Weight : & Sons. crried out the funeral arrangements. 
aka Joyce

FORSAYTH Joyce Ellen Death notice 26NOV1980 Death Sydney Morning Herald 28NOV1980 
Josie Baker
The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954)
Wed 5 Jul 1950
Page 6
Tributes Paid To Church Worker At a funeral service for Mr. Albert John Baldwin at Cornelian Bay
yesterday, the Rev. O. Furness paid tribute to his long association with the Congregational Church.
Mr. Baldwin died at his Sandy Bay home on Sunday, aged 73 years.
When a young man, Mr. Baldwinbecame interested in the work of the Berea Congregational Sunday School.
He was teacher, secretary, and superintendent at the school.
Mr. Baldwin conducted a sign writing and painting business.
He is survived by his wife, and daughter Ethel.
Albert John Baldwin
67 CROTHERS Dorothy Eden Death notice 26JUL1982 Death Sydney Morning Herald 28JUL1982  Dorothy Eden Baldwin
New South Wales and Tasmania, Australia Convict Musters, 1806-1849
Name: William Ball
Arrival Date: 1836
Vessel: Moffatt
Province: New South Wales
Title: General muster A - C
Year(s): 1837
Place of Conviction: Cent Crem CT
Estimated birth year: abt 1816

Death Index, 1787-1985
Name: William Ball
Death Date: 1848
Death Place: New South Wales
Registration Year: 1848
Registration Place: Sydney, New South Wales
Volume Number: V1848287 33B 
William Ball
69 WW2 Service Record
Service Australian Army
Service Number QX20228
Date of Birth 5 Dec 1914
Place of Birth MELBOURNE, VIC
Date of Enlistment 1 Apr 1941
Locality on Enlistment BLACKALL, VIC
Place of Enlistment ROCKHAMPTON, QLD
Date of Discharge 20 Jun 1946
Rank Craftsman
Posting at Discharge 2/13 AUST CAMP AA REGT WKSHOP
WW2 Honours and Gallantry None for display
Prisoner of War No
Allan Bassett
70 Australia Birth Index, 1788-1922
about Dorothy Margt Becker Name: Dorothy Margt Becker
Father's Name: Chas Becker
Mother's Name: Flor Forsythe
Birth Place: Dimboola, Victoria
Registration Year: 1904
Registration Place: Victoria
Registration number: 25191
Dorothy Margaret BECKER
71 Australia Birth Index, 1788-1922
about Ivy Becker Name: Ivy Becker
Father's Name: Chas Becker
Mother's Name: Flor Forsythe
Birth Place: Dimboola, Victoria
Registration Year: 1907
Registration Place: Victoria
Registration number: 26223
72 Service Record
Service Royal Australian Air Force
Service Number 156445
Date of Birth 16 Apr 1926
Place of Birth HORSHAM, VIC
Date of Enlistment 19 Jul 1944
Locality on Enlistment HORSHAM, VIC
Place of Enlistment MELBOURNE, VIC
Date of Discharge 3 Apr 1946
Rank Leading Aircraftman
Posting at Discharge 84 Operational Base Unit
WW2 Honours and Gallantry None for display
Prisoner of War No
Mary Belger Forsyth
Birth: unknown
Death: Mar. 3, 1928
Family links:
Helen McQueen Forsyth Keyes (1887 - 1971)*
Dorothy Baylor Forsyth Garrison (1898 - 1943)*

*Calculated relationship

Note: W/O Forsyth, W W

Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington County
Virginia, USA
Plot: Sec: S-E, Site: LOT 3954
Mary Belger
74 2 birth registrations or 2 separate children with same name??

Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922
Name: Beatrice Alice Forsyth
Birth Date: Abt 1886
Birth Place: Carlton, Victoria
Registration Year: 1886
Registration Place: Victoria, Australia
Father: George Allan Forsyth
Mother: Allce Fra Skipper
Registration Number: 24503

Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922
Name: Beatrice Alice Forsyth
Birth Date: Abt 1888
Birth Place: Carlton, Victoria
Registration Year: 1888
Registration Place: Victoria, Australia
Father: George Allen Forsyth
Mother: Alice Frances Skipper
Registration Number: 1355

Australia, Marriage Index, 1788-1950
Name: Archd Godfrey Bell
Spouse Name: Alice Beatrice Forsyth
Marriage Place: Victoria
Registration Place: Victoria
Registration Year: 1912
Registration Number: 9167

Victoria, Australia, Marriage Index, 1837-1950
Name: Beatrice Alice Forsyth
Marriage Registration Year: 1912
Marriage Registration Place: Victoria, Australia
Spouse: Archd Godfrey Bell
Reference Number: 9167

Standard (Port Melbourne, Vic. : 1884 - 1914) Sat 8 Feb 1913 Page 3
Bell - Forsyth.
A very pretty wedding was cele
brated. on Wednesday, 18th Decem
ber, at St. Silas' Chnrch, Albert Park,
by the Rev R. Rowed. The contract
ing parties were Mr A. Bell, of Al
bert Park, and Miss Beatrice Forsyth,
eldest daughter of Mrs Forsyth, Port
Melbourne. . The bride, who was .
given away by her brother, was at
tired in a .white taffeta silk, with silk
lace and pearl -trimmings, wreath and
veil, and carried a shower bouquet.'
The bridesmaids were Misses Julie
Johnston, M Forsyth, and Florrie
Myers, who were prettily dressed, and
wore pearl brooches (the gift of the
bridegroom). Mr Edward, Richard,
and William Bell acted as groomsmen.
The wedding breakfast- was served at
the Town Hall, where the usual toasts
were honoured. The bride was the
recipient of numerous and costly pre
sents. After a short sojourn, Mr
and Mrs Bell will take up their resi
dence in Port Melbourne.

Victoria, Australia, Death Index, 1836-1988
Name: Beatrice Bell
Death Registration Year: 1940
Death Registration Place: Victoria, Australia
Father: George Allen Forsyth
Mother Maiden Name: Skipper
Reference Number: 235

Australia, Death Index, 1787-1985
Name: Beatrice Bell
Birth Year: abt 1887
Age: 53
Death Place: Heidelberg, Victoria
Father's name: Geo Allen Forsyth
Mother's name: Alice Fran Skipper
Registration Year: 1940
Registration Place: Victoria
Registration Number: 235

The Herald (Melbourne, Vic. : 1861 - 1954) Mon 1 Jan 1940 Page 34
BELL.- On the 1st January. 1940, Beatrice, dearly
loved wife of Archibald Bell, of 36 Hanslope
Avenue. Alphlngtoo. loving sister of Millicent,
Ethel (Mrs Burden) and Jack Forsyth, and
sincere friend of William Rayment; aged 53 years.

The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Tue 2 Jan 1940 Page 1
BELL. - The Friends of Mr. ARCHIBALD BELL
are respectfully informed that the funeral of
his dearly Ioved wife, Beatrice, will leave his
residence, 26 Hanslope-avenue, Alphlngton, THIS
DAY (Tuesday), January 2, at 2 p.m., for the
Heidelberg Cemetery.

Archibald Godfrey BELL
75 The Horsham Times (Vic. : 1882 - 1954) Tuesday 1 April 1941 p 2
HUTCHISON-The death occurred at her home in Sloss street on Satur day monring of. Mrs. Mary Jane Hutchinson at the age of 81 years. Deceased, who was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. E. Bell, of Moc kinya, was born at Kalangadoo. S.A., and later came to the Mockinya dis. trict with her parents. She was mar. ried at Horsham at the age of 23 to Mr: John Thomas Hutchinson, who survives her, and the couple went to reside at Mockinya. . After spending many years there in grazing pursuits, they retired to live in Horsham and have resided at Sloss street since. There are five children, viz:, Arthur (Marylborough), Ethel (Mrs. R. Scott, Horsham); George and Albert (Hor sham) and Andrew (Colac). Her sur viving brothers and sisters are: James, Margaret, Ebb (Mockinya), Mrs. Howard. (Redbank), Mrs. Ethell (Perth); Mrs.. Tormey (Moonambel), David; Mrs. Marinsfield (Violet Town). There are 18 grandchildren (one of whom, Leslie; is in the AIF.) and five great grandchildren. As a mem ber of one of the best known fami lies in the Mockinya district, deceased during her long residence there proved a fine type of settler and a wide cir cle of relatives and friends will mourn her passing. The funeral took place at the Horsham Cemetery on Sunday, with Captain E. Callander, of the Salvation Army, performing the ser vices at the home and at the grave side. The coffin-bearers were Messrs. R. Bell, F. Hutchinson, W., M. and A. Scott and B. Mansfield. Messrs A. Weigh.t , Sons had charge of the arrangements.  
Mary Jane Bell
76 had an MBE

The Sydney Morning Herald Thursday 8 June 1939 Page 18

Reward for Public Service.

Mrs. Annie Forsyth, M.B.E., widow of the late Mr. Robert Forsyth, has been a promin- ent social worker in the Willoughby district for about 20 years, and Avas Mayoress of Willoughby during the Avar years of 1915 1918. Among the many activities which en- gage her attention are the Willoughby Bene- volent Society, the Willoughby Red Cross Society, of which she is president, the Service League, which she founded during the de- pression for the benefit of the poor, the Mater Miscricordiae Hospital Auxiliary Service League, which she founded, and of which she is president, and the Royal North Shore Hospital Auxiliary Service League. She was the first president of the Tresillian North Mother craft training school. 
Annie Bennett
77 BENNETTS James Death notice 29APR2011 Death 83 late of Asquith Daily Telegraph (Sydney) 07MAY2011  James Bennetts
78 GOLLEDGE Marie Therese Death notice 09JAN2012 Death 77 late of Seven Hills, formerly of Inverell Daily Telegraph (Sydney) 12JAN2012 Marie Therese Berkley
79 possible death
BERNARD Harry Death notice 15SEP1978 Death 75 late of Oatley Sydney Morning Herald 20SEP1978
Harry Bernard
Service Record
Service Royal Australian Air Force
Service Number 82307
Date of Birth 17 Sep 1909
Date of Enlistment 16 Oct 1942
Locality on Enlistment KALGOORLIE
Place of Enlistment PERTH, WA
Date of Discharge 15 Jul 1947
Rank Leading Aircraftman
Posting at Discharge Station HQ Pearce
WW2 Honours and Gallantry None for display
Prisoner of War No

Summary Of Record Information
Names are only recorded in capitals Application Number
Last Name BERSTON KC00084913
See legend for application code details
Aged (Years) 76 Date of Death 10/07/1986
Ashes Request
(please enquire for a specific location) Completed yes
Memorial Type GROUND NICHE
Memorial Location
Cemetery Garden, Wall or Path Site Position Completed

Kellerberrin Cemetery
BERSTON , John. 8 Apr 1947 ages 60 years. Husband of Margaret, father of John William
BERSTON , Margaret J. 7 Jun 1968 aged 83 years. Wife of John, mother of John William
John William BERSTON
81 Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922
Name: Harold Oswald Bertwistle
Birth Date: 14 Mar 1891
Birth Place: Queensland
Registration Year: 1891
Registration Place: Queensland, Australia
Father: William Bertwistle
Mother: Mary Jane Burgess
Page Number: 1851
Registration Number: 000566


Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922
Name: Harold Bertwistle
Birth Date: 19 Oct 1891
Birth Place: Queensland
Registration Year: 1891
Registration Place: Queensland, Australia
Father: George Watson Bertwistle
Mother: Ellen Adelaide Catton
Page Number: 1851
Registration Number: B049385

Australia, WWI Service Records, 1914-1920
Name: Harold Bertwistle
Age: 23
Birth Year: abt 1891
Birth Place: Brisbane, Queensland
Dossier Year Range: 1914-1920
Enlistment Place: Brisbane, Queensland
Service Number: 6059
Relationship to Soldier: Brother
Next of Kin: Percy Bertwistle 
Harold Oswald Bertwistle
82 Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922
Name: Phyllis jessie Bertwistle
Birth Date: 29 May 1918
Birth Place: Queensland
Registration Year: 1918
Registration Place: Queensland, Australia
Father: Harold oswald Bertwistle
Mother: Mary mabel Forsyth
Registration Number: 005068 
Phyllis Jessie Bertwistle
83 At least one living individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living
84 WW1 Bettles Albert John : SERN 4979 : POB Bright VIC : POE Melbourne VIC : NOK W Bettles Ellen Christina
23rd Battalion AIF 13th Reinforcements Regiment 4979 Temp/Corporal. KIA France

Australia Birth Index, 1788-1922
about Albert John Bettles Name: Albert John Bettles
Father's Name: John Bettles
Mother's name: Annie Smith
Birth Place: Bright, Victoria
Registration Year: 1876
Registration Place: Victoria
Registration number: 24700
Albert John Bettles
85 Australia Death Index, 1787-1985
about Albert John Will Bettles Name: Albert John Will Bettles
Death Place: Preston, Victoria
Age: 49
Father's Name: John Albert
Mother's name: Helen Christin Flinn
Registration Year: 1960
Registration Place: Victoria
Registration number: 7445
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1911
Albert John William Bettles
86 Australia Birth Index, 1788-1922
about Eunice Beatrice Bettles Name: Eunice Beatrice Bettles
Father's Name: Albt Jno Bettles
Mother's name: Hellen Christian Flinn
Birth Place: Hotham, Victoria
Registration Year: 1904
Registration Place: Victoria
Registration number: 3713
Eunice Beatrice Bettles
87 Australia Birth Index, 1788-1922
about Gwendoline Jane Bettles Name: Gwendoline Jane Bettles
Father's Name: Albt Jno Bettles
Mother's name: Helen Ctina Flinn
Birth Place: Brighton, Victoria
Registration Year: 1901
Registration Place: Victoria
Registration number: 16826
Gwendoline Jane Bettles
88 Australia Birth Index, 1788-1922
about Letitia Annie Myrtle Bettles Name: Letitia Annie Myrtle Bettles
Father's Name: Albt Jng Bettles
Mother's name: Helen Christine Flinn
Birth Place: Brighton, Victoria
Registration Year: 1899
Registration Place: Victoria
Registration number: 16243
Letitia Annie Myrtle Bettles
89 Burial
Mrs Agnes Margaret Anne Bevan Forsyth
Birth 1880
Death 16 Apr 1960 (aged 79-80)
Inverell Cemetery
Inverell, Inverell Shire, New South Wales, Australia
Plot Ch of Eng. B 
Agnes Margaret Ann Bevan
90 Burial
Edmond Forester Beveridge
Birth unknown
Death 3 Apr 1963
Tenterfield Cemetery
Tenterfield, Tenterfield Shire, New South Wales, Australia
Plot Presbyterian 
Edmund Foster Beveridge
91 Grazier, "The Willows", Bukkulla Ernest Edmund Henry Beveridge
92 CUTTS Jessie Death notice 02MAY1967 Death 76 late of Bondi Junction Sydney Morning Herald 03MAY1967 Jessie P Beveridge
93 burial
Beveridge Percy William 25 Apr 1950 son/William; h/Minnie Elizabeth Bundarra NSW Ang

Percy William Beveridge
94 BEVERIDGE Thomas Foster Death notice 26JUL1916 Death 80 late of Waverley Sydney Morning Herald 27JUL1916 Thomas Forrester Beveridge
95 Death
William Charles Beveridge
96 Burial
Sarah Carpenter
Birth 1860
Death 1935 (aged 74-75)
Glen Innes General Cemetery
Glen Innes, Glen Innes Severn Council, New South Wales, Australia
Plot Ang A 
Sarah Billington
97 At least one living individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living
Australia Birth Index, 1788-1922
about Julia Bishop Name: Julia Bishop
Father's Name: Alexander Bishop
Mother's Name: Mary Henlen
Birth Place: Stre, Victoria
Registration Year: 1860
Registration Place: Victoria
Registration number: 3466

Australia Death Index, 1787-1985
about Julia Jane Forsythe Name: Julia Jane Forsythe
Death Place: Terang, Victoria
Age: 64
Father's Name: Bishop
Registration Year: 1920
Registration Place: Victoria
Registration number: 12507
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1856
Julia Jane BISHOP
99 FORSYTH Edith Isabella Death notice 18DEC1973 Death 83 late of Willoughby Sydney Morning Herald 20DEC1973 Edith Isabella Blackadder
100 Sydney, Australia, Anglican Parish Registers, 1814-2011
Name: Helen Marguerite Blaxland
Gender: Female
Marriage Age: 26
Event Type: Marriage
Birth Date: abt 1916
Marriage Date: 10 Jun 1942
Marriage Place: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Father: Reginald Newington Blaxland
Mother: Rita Mary Blaxland
Spouse: David Gordon Macdonald 
Helen Marguerite Blaxland

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