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Matches 351 to 400 of 2509

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   Notes   Linked to 
351 At least one living individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living
352 There two Mary Dunn on record until I know which Mary this is I cannot record the marrage.
(1) Levi Windsor on 21 Oct. 1895 95/001272
(2) Peter Davis on 1 Dec. 1915 15/003837
If anyone can help please let me know. 
353 At least one living individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living
354 Samuel Dunn enlisted Army 23 Jun 1940 at Toowoomba Qld. (Resided Yeulba Qld). Service No. 10167, Rank Private, Next of Kin - Samuel Morrow. Discharged 9 Jan 1943 2/2 Machine Gun Battalion. (Source Commonwealth of Aust. Defence Forces Database). Samuel DUNN
355 there are three William John Dunn in the records and until I find out which one this William John is I cannot record which marriage.
(1) Amy Amelia Godson on 3 July 1906 06/0020110
(2) Mary Maud Anderson on 10 July 1907 07/B005716
(3) Violet May Burke on 23 june 1912 12/000018
if anyone can help please let me know. 
William John DUNN
356 William John Dunn enlisted Army 10 Sept. 1941 at Toowoomba Qld, (resided at Grantham Qld.) Service No. Q119157, Rank Craftsman, Next of Kin - Clara Dunn, Discharged 15 Jun 1944 at 6 Aust. Adv. Wshop AEME (Source Commonwealth of Australia
Defence Forces Database) William died 30 September, 1982 in Toowoomba of Leukemia 
William John DUNN
The Sydney Morning Herald Monday 19 July 1880 Page 8
THE FRIENDS of the late JAMES DYMOCK are repectfully invited to attend his Funeral ; to move from his parents' residence, 462, Cleveland-street, Surry Hills, THIS (Monday AFTERNOON,at 2.45, to the Waverley Cemetery. 
James Dymock
358 The Sydney Morning Herald Tuesday 17 May 1887 Page 14
THE Business heretofore carried on by the undersigned, under tho name of DYMOCK and HYLAND, has boen DISSOLVED bv mutual consent from this date. All debts due to the firm will be 'collected, and all liabilities discharged, by the under signed Malcolm Dymock, who has purchascd the goodwill and assets of the firm, and will continue to canv on the business under the nams of MALCOLM DYMOCK and COMPANY.
Sydney, May 8,1387.

Witness-ROBERT MILLER, Clarence-street, Sydney.
Referring to the above notice, we beg to thank tho customers of the late firm for their patronage in the past, and to intimate that we shall continue to carry on the business at 280, Kent-street. Sydney, as usual ; and from the long experience of Malcolm Dvmock (extending over l8 years with the late firm of James Macgregor, Wholesale Grocer), trust to be favoured with the continued support of the country and town trade.
Wholesale Grocers, &c.,
250 Kent-street, Sydney.
May 8,1887.

The Sydney Morning Herald Tuesday 8 November 1887 Page 3
NOTICE is hereby given that by Indenture of Assignment of even date herewlth made between MALCOLM DYMOCK, of Kent-street, Sydney, in the colony of Now South Wales, trading under the firm or style of Malcolm Dymock and Co., of the first part; THOMAS DALTON, of Sydney, In the said colony, Merchant, and ROBERT MILLER, of Sydncy aforesaid, Merchant (thereinaiter designated Trustees), of the second part; and the several persons and bodies corporate, creditors of the said Assignor, whose names are mentioned in the first Schedule thereunder written or thereunto annexed, and who had by themselves, or their respectivo attorneys or agents, thereunto subscribed their name or affixed their seals, or who should in like manner subscribe their names and affix their seals, and all other the credltors of the said Assignor, of the third part : All the estate, property, assets, and effects of every description, soever and wheresoever situate, of him the said Assignor, have been released and assigned unto the said Trustees, their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns for the benefit of all the creditors of the said Assignor; and that the said deed, duly executed and attested as by law required, is now lying at the offices of Thomas Read, solicitor, King-street, Sydney aforesaid, for inspection and execution.
Dated at Sydney aforesaid this first day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven,
Witness to the signature of Malcolm Dymock- E. VICKERY, J.P
Witness to the signature of Thomas Dalton-E. VICKERY, J.P.
Witness to the signature of Robert Miller-E. VICKERY, J.P.

Family NoticesThe Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Wednesday 14 August 1889 p 1
DYMOCK - August 12, at his father's residence, 100 Cleveland Street, Surry Hills. Malcolm, second son of Walter DYMOCK, aged 34 years,, leaving a wife and two children to mourn their great loss.

The Sydney Morning Herald Thursday 29 August 1889 Page 11
DYMOCK.-August 12, at 460, Cleveland-street, Surry Hills, Malcolm Dymock, aged 34.

The Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday 14 August 1889 Page 14
THE FRIENDS of the late MACOLM DYMOCK re respectfully Invited to attend his Funeral ; to move from his father's resilience. 460. Cleveland-street, Surry Hills. THIS (Wednesday) AFTERNOON, at 2.30, for Waverley Cemetery. WALTER DYMOCK. Junior.
Malcolm Dymock
359 The Sydney Morning Herald Saturday 15 October 1870 Page 1
On the 30th September, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. Thomas Johnson, JOHN FORSYTH, of Roseheath Cottage, Bourke-street, Surry Hills, to MARJORY, only daughter of WALTER DYMOCK, of Hellenic-street, Surry Hills.

Dymocks Bookstore
The origin of the Dymocks flagship store on George Street – Sydney’s greatest bookstore – goes back to 1879 when young William Dymock commenced business as a bookseller in nearby Market Street.

In 1922, the Dymock family purchased the site of the old Royal Hotel in George Street upon which was built the historic, Art Deco landmark Dymocks building, completed in 1930.

As his business grew, William moved to larger and grander premises until, in the 1890s, he had a million books in stock. He died in his thirty-ninth year. Unmarried and childless, he left the business to his sister Marjory, who was married to John Forsyth. From that time onwards, the Forsyth family has managed Dymocks.

In 1981, John Forsyth, William Dymock’s great nephew, decided to take over the company, selling his own successful printing and publishing business.

As Chairman of the Dymocks Group of Companies, John Forsyth wished to preserve the company's heritage and great bookselling tradition whilst making sure it constantly reinvented itself and kept abreast of the changing Australian market.

Australian Dictionary of Biography
Dymock, William (1861–1900)
by Wallace Kirsop

William Dymock (1861-1900), bookseller, was born on 11 May 1861 at North Melbourne, fourth son of Scottish parents Walter Dymock, Wheelwright, and his wife Janet, née McFarlane. About 1867 the family moved to Sydney and lived at Redfern. William was educated chiefly at Cleveland Street Public School. By 1878 he was employed in the book trade, working for John Andrews, James Reading & Co. and the Sydney branch of George Robertson & CO.

After visiting England, where he established contact with Bernard Quaritch, Dymock set up his own business in Sydney in the early 1880s, being at 208 Pitt Street by 1884. The shop was called Dymock's Book Arcade and his trade was aimed not only at a broad popular market but at discriminating collectors like Alfred Lee and D. S. Mitchell. He took over several other firms, notably the Picturesque Atlas Publishing Co. Ltd, as the Book Arcade expanded its activities and moved its premises, first to 142 King Street and then in December 1890 to 428 George Street; his new arcade was 200 ft (61 m) by 30 ft (9 m).

From 1884 Dymock issued regular catalogues and lists; that year the first of a series of publications containing views of Sydney appeared. Although he was to offer Sir Henry Parkes £2000 in 1890 to write a two-volume autobiography, general publishing came second to bookselling. The absorption in 1896 of William Maddock's circulating library, with Maddock's continuing as manager, added an important new dimension to the firm's place in the Sydney book world. Dymock proudly proclaimed himself Quaritch's agent and maintained an interest in valuable collections of antiquarian books, acquiring the libraries of Dr George Bennett and Sir Wigram Allen. His advertisements described the George Street arcade as 'the largest Book Shop in the world', holding 'upwards of one million books'.

At the Sydney Municipal Council elections on 1 December 1898 Dymock contested Macquarie Ward for the Citizens' Reform Committee and defeated Sydney Burdekin. He campaigned strongly as a 'young Australian', 'broad and progressive in his views'. In September 1900 he gave evidence and appeared on his own behalf before the Legislative Assembly select committee on the working of the Free Public Library; he believed its principal librarian H. C. L. Anderson was giving undue favour to Angus & Robertson. Dymock died of a cerebral haemorrhage early on 5 October 1900 and was buried in Waverley cemetery with Presbyterian forms, although he had requested that no minister be present. He was a Freemason.

Dymock was unmarried and his sister Marjory, wife of John Forsyth, managing director of A. Forsyth & Co. Ltd, was executrix, trustee and principal beneficiary of his estate, valued for probate at £10,399. She continued the business and her family still has a controlling interest in the company set up in 1913. In 1926 George Robertson (Sydney) recalled affectionately 'the somewhat erratic but wholly lovable William Dymock'; despite vigorous competition, relations remained good between two outstanding firms created about the same time by former employees of the other George Robertson. Dymock was a member of several clubs and sporting associations and perhaps less single-mindedly devoted to the book trade than his rival; but he retains the distinction of being the first native-born Australian to have launched an enduringly successful major book-selling business.

Select Bibliography
¦J. R. Tyrrell, Old Books, Old Friends, Old Sydney (Syd, 1952)
¦J. Holroyd, George Robertson of Melbourne, 1825-1898 (Melb, 1968)
¦G. Ferguson, Some Early Australian Bookmen (Canb, 1978)
¦Votes and Proceedings (Legislative Assembly, New South Wales), 1900, 4, 583
¦JRAHS, 52 (1966), 228
¦Daily Telegraph, 18 Nov–2 Dec 1898, 6 Oct 1900
¦Sydney Morning Herald, 2 Dec 1898, 6 Oct 1900
¦Bulletin, 13 Oct 1900
¦Henry Parkes correspondence (State Library of New South Wales)
¦documents lodged under Companies Acts, no 4769 (State Records New South Wales)
¦letters, 1899-1908 (Sydney Municipal Archives, Town Hall, Sydney)
¦private information. 
Marjory Dymock
360 Ryerson Index
DYMOCK Marion Isabel Janet Death notice 03MAY1971 Death late of Summer Hill Sydney Morning Herald 05MAY1971

DYMOCK Marion Isabel Janet , May 3 1971 at hospital, of 43 Bartlett St Summer Hill, sister of Bill (deceased) lovingly remembered by her friends 
Minnie Isabel Jane Dymock
361 Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931) Friday 14 March 1890 p 2 Article
The Loss of the Agnes.
The bodies of the crew of the lost schooner Agnes, which were recovered on tho beach, have been buried at ihe Brunswick Heads. The names of the two passengers working' their passage in the vessel, and were drowned, were Bobert Morris Smith (a gas engineer, of London) and Walter Dymock, the latter a brother of Mr. Dymock, bookseller, of King-street, and living at Cleveland-street,' Surry Hills. Both were young men of about 23 years of age, and wore bound for
the Tweed River, en route for Brisbane. Great satisfaction was felt in shipping circles, this morning, when it became known that the other vessels which left here with the Agnes were all safe. Mr. A. Eethel received a telegram last night from his wharfinger, Mr. John Horguard, at Byron Bay, stating that the White Cloud, ketch, had arrived there apparently ' all right.' The Daphne, Grace Dent, and Monarch were reported off the Richmond bar hist evening.

Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907) Saturday 22 March 1890 p 10 Article
Shipping Disaster.
The schooner Agnes, owned by Mr. Alex. Kethel, of Sydney, founded on March 10 near the Brunswick River, owing to the heavy weather prevailing at that time. All hands went down with the vessel, and two men who were working their passage to the Tweed River in the schooner were also drowned. The names of the crew were : Patrick Power, 47, master ; Samuel Bullden, 39, mate ; Charles Har tong, 43, cook; and three A.B.'s, A. Boueneri, F. Ellis, and John Monsen. Captain Power, although only a few months in the Agnes, had been for some years on the coast, and leaves a wife and large family, ten in all, who reside at Balmain. Being a member of the Shipwreck Relief Society, his family will be fully cared for. The two passengers working their passage in tho vessel, who were drowned, were Robert Morris Smith (a gas engineer, of London) and Walter Dymock, the latter a brother of Mr. Dymock, bookseller, of King-street, and living at Cleveland-street, Surry Hills. Both were young men of about 23 years of age, and were bound ' for the Twoed River, en route for Brisbane. The Agnes was a topsail schooner, built of wood. She was launched at Brisbane Water in 1875. Her dimensions were as follow : Length, 97ft 5in ; beam, 20ft 2in; and depth of hold, Git 5in. The vesssel was insured for £500 in the North Queensland Insurance Company.
Walter Dymock
362 Possible Death ??? but given dod was 31 dec then one would think the index would be in 1893

Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931) Monday 2 January 1893 p 6 Article
Death of an Old Colonist.
It is with much regret that we are called upon to record the death, at 4 a.m. on Saturday, of Mr. Walter Dymock, father of Mr. William Dymock, a gentleman very well known and universally liked and respected in Sydney. The deceased gentleman was a colonist of nearly 40 years' standing (having landed on these shores in 1854), and had a most eventful career in the early gold digging 'days. He leaves behind riirn one married ' daughter, besides Mr. W. Dymock, of the Book Arcade. For many mouths past the deceased had been in a very low state of health, and, having passed the 'allotted span,' it was seen that his death might be expected at any moment. He received the most careful medical and nursing attention up to the last.

1851 Scotland Census
about Walter Dymock Name: Walter Dymock
Age: 32
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1819
Relationship: Head
Spouse's Name: Janet Dymock
Gender: Male
Where born: Port of Monteith, Perthshire
Parish Number: 646
Civil parish: Govan
County: Renfrewshire
Address: 32 Scotland Street
Occupation: Joiner (journeyman)
ED: 39
Page: 8 (click to see others on page)
Household schedule number: 26
Line: 1
Roll: CSSCT1851_167
Household Members: Name Age
Walter Dymock 32
Janet Dymock 32
James Dymock 1
Thomas Aitken 21
John Mcdougall 18

Walter Dymock arrived Sydney 15th March 1855 on the Nepual
Walter 36
James 5 Born Glasgow
Marjory 2 Born Glasgow

1870 Sands Directory
Walter Dymock, Bellevue St Redfern

1880 Sands Directory Cleveland St North side near Crown st
Walter Dymock Cartmore Terrace 4. John Forsyth Ropemaker living next door

1890 Sands Directory - Cleveland St near Crown St
Walter Dymock Cartmore Terrace 460 Cleveland St . John Forsyth living Urquhart House 464 Cleveland St 
Walter Dymock
The Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday 24 October 1883 Page 1
DYMOCK.-October 15. at her residence, Gaitmore, Paddington, the wife of Malcolm Dymock, of n son. 
Walter Maddison Dymock
The Sydney Morning Herald Saturday 6 October 1900 Page 1
DYMOCK. -October 5 at his late residence, William Dymock, of the Book Arcde, George street, aged 39
years -
DYMOCK. - October 5, at Carisbrooke, Macleay-street, Willam only surviving son of the late Walter Dymock, aged 19 years

Australian Dictionary of Biography
Dymock, William (1861–1900)
by Wallace Kirsop

William Dymock (1861-1900), bookseller, was born on 11 May 1861 at North Melbourne, fourth son of Scottish parents Walter Dymock, Wheelwright, and his wife Janet, née McFarlane. About 1867 the family moved to Sydney and lived at Redfern. William was educated chiefly at Cleveland Street Public School. By 1878 he was employed in the book trade, working for John Andrews, James Reading & Co. and the Sydney branch of George Robertson & CO.

After visiting England, where he established contact with Bernard Quaritch, Dymock set up his own business in Sydney in the early 1880s, being at 208 Pitt Street by 1884. The shop was called Dymock's Book Arcade and his trade was aimed not only at a broad popular market but at discriminating collectors like Alfred Lee and D. S. Mitchell. He took over several other firms, notably the Picturesque Atlas Publishing Co. Ltd, as the Book Arcade expanded its activities and moved its premises, first to 142 King Street and then in December 1890 to 428 George Street; his new arcade was 200 ft (61 m) by 30 ft (9 m).

From 1884 Dymock issued regular catalogues and lists; that year the first of a series of publications containing views of Sydney appeared. Although he was to offer Sir Henry Parkes £2000 in 1890 to write a two-volume autobiography, general publishing came second to bookselling. The absorption in 1896 of William Maddock's circulating library, with Maddock's continuing as manager, added an important new dimension to the firm's place in the Sydney book world. Dymock proudly proclaimed himself Quaritch's agent and maintained an interest in valuable collections of antiquarian books, acquiring the libraries of Dr George Bennett and Sir Wigram Allen. His advertisements described the George Street arcade as 'the largest Book Shop in the world', holding 'upwards of one million books'.

At the Sydney Municipal Council elections on 1 December 1898 Dymock contested Macquarie Ward for the Citizens' Reform Committee and defeated Sydney Burdekin. He campaigned strongly as a 'young Australian', 'broad and progressive in his views'. In September 1900 he gave evidence and appeared on his own behalf before the Legislative Assembly select committee on the working of the Free Public Library; he believed its principal librarian H. C. L. Anderson was giving undue favour to Angus & Robertson. Dymock died of a cerebral haemorrhage early on 5 October 1900 and was buried in Waverley cemetery with Presbyterian forms, although he had requested that no minister be present. He was a Freemason.

Dymock was unmarried and his sister Marjory, wife of John Forsyth, managing director of A. Forsyth & Co. Ltd, was executrix, trustee and principal beneficiary of his estate, valued for probate at £10,399. She continued the business and her family still has a controlling interest in the company set up in 1913. In 1926 George Robertson (Sydney) recalled affectionately 'the somewhat erratic but wholly lovable William Dymock'; despite vigorous competition, relations remained good between two outstanding firms created about the same time by former employees of the other George Robertson. Dymock was a member of several clubs and sporting associations and perhaps less single-mindedly devoted to the book trade than his rival; but he retains the distinction of being the first native-born Australian to have launched an enduringly successful major book-selling business.

Select Bibliography
¦J. R. Tyrrell, Old Books, Old Friends, Old Sydney (Syd, 1952)
¦J. Holroyd, George Robertson of Melbourne, 1825-1898 (Melb, 1968)
¦G. Ferguson, Some Early Australian Bookmen (Canb, 1978)
¦Votes and Proceedings (Legislative Assembly, New South Wales), 1900, 4, 583
¦JRAHS, 52 (1966), 228
¦Daily Telegraph, 18 Nov–2 Dec 1898, 6 Oct 1900
¦Sydney Morning Herald, 2 Dec 1898, 6 Oct 1900
¦Bulletin, 13 Oct 1900
¦Henry Parkes correspondence (State Library of New South Wales)
¦documents lodged under Companies Acts, no 4769 (State Records New South Wales)
¦letters, 1899-1908 (Sydney Municipal Archives, Town Hall, Sydney)
¦private information. 
William Dymock
365 The Sydney Morning Herald Monday 4 May 1885 Page 1
DYMOCK -April 28, at her residence, Gaitmore, Begg-street,Paddington, Mrs. Malcolm Dymock, of a son.

Ryerson Index
DYMOCK William Malcolm Death notice 30AUG1961 Death at R.P.A.Hospital Sydney Morning Herald 02SEP1961

DYMOCK William Malcolm Aug 30 1961 Death at R.P.A.Hospital beloved brother of Marion, son of the Late Emily and Malcolm Dymock. At peace. 
William Malcolm Dymock
366 FORSYTH Dorothy Eileen Death notice 05JUN1975 Death late of Roseville Sydney Morning Herald 10JUN1975  Dorothy Eileen Easton

Scotland, Births and Baptisms
Name: Elizabeth Easton
Gender: Female
Birth Date: 17 May 1857
Father's Name: John Easton
Mother's Name: Elizabeth Laird
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C11487-1 , System Origin: Scotland-ODM , GS Film number: 6035516 
Elizabeth Simpson Easton
368 The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Wed 30 Apr 1930 Page 12 Family Notices
EASTON.-April 29, 1930, at a private hospital, Darlinghurst, Walter Easton, of Vaucluse, late of Chatswood, beloved father of Ethel, Minnie (Mrs. Meikle), Walter, Nellie (Mrs. Lund), Leonard, George, Ernest, Dorothy (Mrs. Forsyth), and the late Frederick and Maurice, aged 70 years.
Walter Easton
369 WW2 Service Record
Service Australian Army
Service Number NX80363
Date of Birth 9 Feb 1915
Place of Birth NORTH SYDNEY, NSW
Date of Enlistment 27 Dec 1941
Locality on Enlistment MANLY, NSW
Place of Enlistment PADDINGTON, NSW
Date of Discharge 13 Dec 1945
Rank Sapper
Posting at Discharge 2/4 FIELD SQUADRON
WW2 Honours and Gallantry None for display
Prisoner of War No

ECKFORD Eric Noel Death notice 15APR1984 Death 69 late of North Entrance, formerly of Milsons Point and Willoughby Sydney Morning Herald 17APR1984
ECKFORD Eric Noel Obituary 15APR1984 Death 69 late of The Entrance Wyong Advocate 02MAY1984  
Eric Noel Eckford
370 EDWARDS William Albert (Bert) Death notice 09JUN2009 Death 83 late of Ulladulla Wagga Wagga Daily Advertiser 11JUN2009
EDWARDS William Albert (Bert) Funeral notice 13JUN2009 Funeral formerly of Junee Wagga Wagga Daily Advertiser 12JUN2009
EDWARDS William Albert (Bert) Death notice 09JUN2009 Death 83 at Nowra, late of Ulladulla Junee Southern Cross 25JUN2009  
William Albert Edwards

First Name
Application Number

Last Name
Names are only recorded in capitals
Karrakatta Cremation

Aged (Years)
Date of Death


Ashes Request

William Alexander EDWARDS
372 FORSYTH Sylvia Death notice 21AUG1999 Death late of Kensington Sydney Morning Herald 23AUG1999  Sylvia Eisen
373 At least one living individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living
374 surname possibly Roberts

Australia and New Zealand, Find a Grave Index, 1800s-Current
Name: Ina Elizabeth Forsyth
Birth Date: 1910
Death Date: 27 Dec 1966
Cemetery: Carr Villa Memorial Park
Burial or Cremation Place: Launceston, Launceston City, Tasmania, Australia
Plot Monumental, Section D5, 200 
Ina Elizabeth
375 The Don Dorrigo Gazette and Guy Fawkes Advocate
Fri 25 Jun 1943 Page 2
Gloom vas cast over the Fernbrook district on Wednesday, January 16th, when news was received of the pass
ing of Aubrey John Elliott, at the age of 33 years.
Deceased, who was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Elliott, of Cambewarra, came to Fernbrook a little over two years ago with his wife and young son and was engaged in dairying on the property he purchased from Mr. C E. Summerhayes.
Mr. Elliott was falling scrub on Wednesday, June 9 (his birthday) and stood on a limb to cut it off. He gave it a few chops and it snapped off suddenly and threw him on his side on to another log. He had extreme difficulty in getting home, a distance of about half a mile, but decided that he would not seek medical attention as he was only stiff from his fall. On Sunday he collapsed and was conveyed to Dorrigo Hospital.
However, it was found that an urgent operation was necessary and he was removed to Bellingen Hosptial, but
although the doctors thought he would recover he passed away apparently from exhaustion due to severe
internal haemorrhage.
Deceased was an excellent citizen. He was an ardent supporter of the Fernbrook Primary Producers branch and his ideas and ability to debate a point were always features of meetings. He will be missed by the Union, as young keen men such as he are very few. He was a keen supporter of the Fernbrook Patriotic Fund, and in fact was behind every movement for the betterment of the district. He was an enthusiastic V.D.C. man and rarely a parade passed without him being present.
There was one thing which few people knew about the late Mr. Elliott. That is, that he was one of the foremost bird-men of N.S.W. He had had many fine articles published in leading naturalist periodicals and his collection of bird-life photos, all taken by himself often after weeks of patient trying, could hardly be bettered. He had just completed an index of birds of N.S.W. which should be of interest to bird lovers everywhere. Always of a bright and
cheery disposition, a man of high ideals, his passing will leave a space in the lives of many.
Much sympathy is felt for his wife and son Bill (aged three years) in their loss of a kind and loving husband and father In addition to the foregoing, deceased leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Elliott, of Cambewarra, brothers Arthur, Ray, and James (R.A.A.F.) and sister Mrs. Faulks, all of whom reside in the Cambewarra district. To all we extend our sincere sympathy in the passing of such a fine son and brother.
The funeral took place in the Church of England portion of the Dorrigo cemetery on Thursday after a service at St. Stephen's. Rev. Titus Rees officiated and a guard of honour of members of the V.D.C. in charge of Major G. S. McDowell was drawn outside the church. Members of the Fernbrook-Deer Vale platoon V.D.C. who acted as pall bearers were Messrs. F. Sawtell, M. Sawtell, J. Harvey, V. Heaton, L. and G. Cunningham. After the grave side service the Last Post was soundded by Air Cadet K. Thomas.
The funeral was a large one, a fine tribute to Aub., who, although a comparative newcomer to the district who had made a host of friends.
Aubrey John Elliott
376 RYALS Effie Gertrude Death notice 08NOV1967 Death 76 at Mandalay Private Hospital, Manly, late of Fairlight, formerly of Cootamundra Sydney Morning Herald 09NOV1967  Effie Gertrude Elliott
377 Victoria, Australia, Birth Index, 1837-1917
Name: Hy Ernt Else
Birth Registration Date: 1913
Birth Registration Place: Victoria, Australia
Father: Chas Else
Mother Maiden Name: Pavey
Reference Number: 25604

Victoria, Australia, Wills and Probate Records, 1841-2009
Name: Henry Ernest Else
Death Date: 19 Feb 1995
Death Place: Kerrie
Occupation: Farmer
Grant Date: 3 May 1995 
Henry Ernest ELSE
378 Death

FORSYTH Elsie Death notice 21FEB1936 Death 46 late of Coogee Sydney Morning Herald 22FEB1936  
Birth 1833 Yorkshire 
Sarah Ely
380 Bendigo Advertiser (Vic. : 1855 - 1918)
Sat 27 Oct 1877 Page 2
On the 23th October, at St. Paul's Church,
Sandhurst, by the Rev. Canon MacCullugh,
Archibald Forsyth, Esq., J.P., Manila House,
Surrey Hills, Sydney, to Sarah, only daughter of
the late Richard Blackham, Esq., Adelaide, and
widow of the late E. N. Emmett, Esq.


Australian Town and Country Journal (NSW : 1870 - 1907) Saturday 13 September 1902 p 20 Family Notices
FORSYTH.?September 5, 1902, at her residence, "Elgin," Cross-street, Randwick, Sarah, the dearly be- loved wife of Archibald Forsyth, after a long and painful illness, in her 72nd year.  
Sarah Emmett
381 Hamburger Passagierlisten, 1850-1934 Hamburg Passenger Lists, 1850-1934
about Mariane Enebo Name: Mariane Enebo
Departure Date: 5 Mrz 1890 (5 Mar 1890)
Destination: Melbourne
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1875
Age Year: 15
Gender: weiblich (Female)
Family: Household members
Residence: Arendal, Norwegen
Ship Name: Essen
Captain: Schade
Shipping Line: Deutsch-Australische-Dampfschiffs-Gesellschaft
Ship Type: Dampfschiff
Accommodation: ohne Angabe
Ship Flag: Deutschland
Port of Departure: Hamburg
Port of Arrival: Australien (Australia)
Volume: 373-7 I, VIII A 1 Band 066
Page: 133
Microfilm Roll Number: K_1741

Marianna Christina Hendr Enebo
The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954) Sat 27 Nov 1937 Page 1
Family Notices
ETHERINGTON. - On November 26, 1937, at Public Hospital, Hobart, Rhoda Lillian, beloved wife of George H. Etherington, of Woodstock, Huon, eldest daughter of the late John and A. A. Forsyth, 39 Cromwell Street, Battery Point, aged 59 years.

ETHERINGTON. - Funeral of the late Mrs. Rhoda Lillian Etherington, of Woodstock, Huon, will move from her sister's residence, 39 Cromwell Street, Battery Point, on Saturday (This Day), at 3.30
p.m., arriving at Cornelian Bay Cemetery, at 4 p.m.
Funeral Directors.
Tel. 3270. 168-170 Collins St.
George Henry Etherington
383 At least one living individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living
384 Alec Forsyth EVANS

Regimental number 5234
Place of birth Sydney, New South Wales
School Burwood Superior Public School, Sydney, New South Wales
Religion Presbyterian
Occupation Mechanic
Marital status Single
Age at embarkation 28
Height 5' 11.5"
Weight 213 lbs
Next of kin Mother, Mrs A Evans, Girrahween, Lauderdale Avenue, Manly, New South Wales
Previous military service Served in F Company, Australian Rifle Regiment, Citizen Military Forces, at Manly.
Enlistment date 10 October 1915
Date of enlistment from Nominal Roll 9 September 1915
Place of enlistment Warwick Farm, New South Wales
Rank on enlistment Private
Unit name 2nd Battalion, 16th Reinforcement
AWM Embarkation Roll number 23/19/3
Embarkation details Unit embarked from Sydney, New South Wales, on board HMAT A71 Nestor on 9 April 1916
Rank from Nominal Roll Driver
Unit from Nominal Roll No 10 Company, Australian Army Service Corps
Fate Returned to Australia 28 August 1919
Age at death 33
Age at death from cemetery records 34
Place of burial Coogee Cemetery, New South Wales
Panel number, Roll of Honour,
Australian War Memorial 181
Family/military connections Cousin: Sgt Robert Archibald Forsyth, No. 2367, died of wounds on 6th May, 1918 at Rowen, France. Awarded Military Medal, 18th Battalion.
Sources NAA: B2455, EVANS Alec Forsyth

The Sydney Morning Herald Saturday 12 February 1921 Page 12
EVANS.-February 1, 1921. at Manly. Alec. Forsyth, A.I.F.. dearly beloved eldest son or Mrs. Evans Girrahween. Lauderdale-avenue Manly and of the late.. T. T. Evans, grandson of the late Archibald Forsyth, Randwick, aged 34 years. 
Alec Forsyth Evans
385 The Sydney Morning Herald Saturday 10 January 1885 Page 1
EVANS.?January 8, at her residence, Verona, Cleveland-street,
Redfern, the wife of George T. Evans, of a daughter.

The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954)Sat 24 Jan 1914 Page 20
Family Notices
WYATT-FORSYTH.-December 6, 1913, at the Pres-
byterian Church, Manly, by the Rev. Dr. F. W.
Dunlop, Ivor B., son of John Wyatt, of Neutral
Bay, to Annie Forsyth, elder daughter of Mrs. A.
F. Evans, of Girrahween, Manly.

Wyatt, Annie
Annie Forsyth Wyatt is celebrated as the founder of the National Trust movement in Australia. Sydney's historic natural and built sites remaining today owe much to her efforts in setting up a national trust in 1945 to protect historically significant places. In 1946 the new Trust compiled an 'A' and 'B' list of Sydney's historic buildings and places and launched its first battle against proposed developments in Macquarie Street. These proposals would have seen the loss of Hyde Park Barracks and the Mint Building. Many groups supported this battle which resulted ultimately in the compilation of a combined list of significant buildings within New South Wales rated by the National Trust,Royal Australian Institute of Architects and the Cumberland County Council. Buildings on the list would be protected for future generations to 'learn from the past'. Annie Wyatt's resolve to conserve and protect our heritage places through the work of a national trust had come to fruition. Until her death in 1961 Annie worked tirelessly for the National Trust of Australia (NSW) and saw the creation of similar national trusts in the other states.

A conservationist, lover of colonial history, and a humanitarian, Annie Wyatt also believed women could make a difference in community issues. She had seen women working effectively in the community during World War I. Over her lifetime she worked for many causes apart from the National Trust of Australia (NSW), including the Red Cross and the NSW Prisoners' Aid Association for 20 years. She published a book Doors that Slam, donating the proceeds to the Prisoners' Aid Association.

Early lifeBorn in 1885 at 90 Cleveland Street, Redfern, Annie was the eldest of eight children of Isabella Anne Evans (nee Forsyth) and George Trotter Evans. The growing family moved in 1891 to a house named Fairholme in the semi-rural Rooty Hill area, with Annie boarding at Burwood Methodist Ladies College from the age of 10. Annie's love of Australia's bushland and history is evident in her childhood memories of Rooty Hill. Pony rides to lovely old homes such as Bungaribee, Mamre, Horsley and Graystanes featured largely in her childhood memories of wildflowers and bushlands now gone. [1]

Annie's maternal grandfather Archibald Forsyth (1826-1908) had arrived in Australia in 1848 from Scotland. After working as a cedar-getter, a supplier of equipment to gold miners and a timber merchant he established the first rope works in New South Wales at Waterloo in 1864. [2] His outspoken public role as a Protectionist, and a member of Parliament, and his actions as a philanthropist in setting up the Animals Protection League, and supporting the sick and hungry must have influenced his young granddaughter, who found herself speaking out about public issues in the 1920s. Believing women had a part to play, her voice was often heard asking the question 'What about the women?' at various local meetings. [3] She was an early supporter of the United Associations of Women in 1929. [4]

Ku-ring-gai Tree Lovers Civic LeagueAnnie first became an active advocate of conservation in 1927 when, as a mother of two small children, she set up the Ku-ring-gai Tree Lovers' Civic League. This small group, consisting mainly of women, protested against activities destroying natural areas. Campaigns against rubbish dumping in bushland, clearing newly subdivided blocks of all trees, and sale of public bushland were on the agenda. The group conducted school education programs and was asked to intervene in problems outside the local area. Balls Head was retained as a reafforested public area in 1931, and bushland at Palm Beach was retained with the help of the Ku-ring-gai Tree Lovers' Civic League. The League existed for 45 years with several branches over Australia including Orange, Hunters Hill, Darwin and Adelaide. [5] Annie Wyatt helped to preserve a small area of Sydney's remaining bluegum and blackbutt forests as a member of the Dalrymple Hay Forest Preservation Committee in the 1930s.

Annie's love of place saw her seeking an active role in the conservation and protection of historic buildings as well as of natural places through the creation of a body like the National Trust in England. In the 1930s Bernard-Smith remembered her as quietly but consistently discussing colonial Australia with an infectious enthusiasm, an enthusiasm which attracted sympathisers to her cause. [6] Looming large in her sense of loss of Australian heritage buildings in the 1930s and 1940s were Burdekin House and the Commissariat Stores at west Circular Quay where an apathetic public had stood back and watched these destructions.

The National TrustAnnie Wyatt, representing the Ku-ring-gai Tree Lovers League, finally presented to the 1944 Forestry League (NSW) Conference her case for the need to form a national trust in Australia. This was approved and on 6 April 1945 it was resolved that a national trust subcommittee of the Forestry League be formed under Cresswell O'Reilly, Annie Wyatt and Arthur Cousins. [7]

The National Trust Provisional Committee began to fulfil Annie's dream of saving Sydney's historic sites. A program of education and public campaigns against demolition and unsuitable development in historic areas followed. Annie Wyatt, in early Trust minutes, warned the group 'that the last lovely Macquarie buildings were in dire peril and that we should take our stand for their preservation'. The 1946 Trust campaign to protect Macquarie Street against proposed developments was widely supported. The Trust produced an initial list of items to be preserved in 1946. The 'A' list included Sydney's Hyde Park Barracks and the Mint, St James Church, the 1815 Military Hospital at Observatory Hill, and Cadman's cottage, which all remain today as part of Sydney's central area. The list also included items further from the centre of Sydney. Old Government House at Parramatta, John Macarthur's Elizabeth Farm House, and Lennox Bridge, as well as the cemeteries at Camperdown and Parramatta, were included on this list, and have been retained.

Protector of heritageAnnie Wyatt continued her role as protector of Sydney's historic buildings and places, gently reminding the early Trust committee to move beyond the discussion and basically get on with following the objectives of the Trust. As a member of both the historic buildings and conservation subcommittees of the Trust, Annie continued to work on protecting both Sydney's historic buildings and natural areas. In the minutes she warned of threats to the natural public spaces of Sydney's harbourside and to historic structures such as Lennox Bridge, St Malo at Hunters Hill and Macquarie Fields House. Sydney's remaining heritage buildings and places today owe much to Annie Wyatt. She was awarded an OBE in 1960. A reserve at Palm Beach, an azalea and a stone seat in the Swain Reserve have been named in her memory. She continued to educate the public and protect Sydney's heritage sites until her death in 1961.

Notes[1] Ivor Wyatt, Ours in Trust : a personal history of The National Trust of Australia (NSW), Willow Bend Press, Sydney, 1987, p 2
[2] Ivor Wyatt, Of Dugong and a Sacred Mountain Ivor F & Mabel Wyatt, Sydney, 1998, pp 89?90
[3] Interview with Ivor Wyatt, conducted by Julie Blyth, National Trust archivist, 2004
[4] Interview with Ivor Wyatt, conducted by Julie Blyth, National Trust archivist, 2004
[5] Ku-ring-gai Tree Lovers Civic League files held in National Trust Archive
[6] Ivor Wyatt, Ours in Trust : a personal history of The National Trust of Australia (NSW), Willow Bend Press, Sydney, 1987, p 8
[7] National Trust of Australia (NSW) Minute book 1945

Australian Dictionary of Biography

Life Summary [details]
Alternative Names
¦Evans, Annie Forsyth
3 January 1885
Redfern, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

27 May 1961
St Ives, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Cultural Heritage
Religious Influence
¦community worker
¦Red Cross worker

Wyatt, Annie Forsyth (1885?1961)
by Caroline Simpson

Annie Forsyth Wyatt (1885-1961), conservationist, was born on 3 January 1885 at Redfern, Sydney, eldest of eight children of George Trotter Evans, an English-born railway superintendent, and his second wife Isabella Anne, daughter of Archibald Forsyth. Annie also had two half-brothers and a half-sister. In 1891 the family moved to Rooty Hill, a fertile district where orchards and vineyards were encroaching on the bushland. After lessons at home Annie, aged 10, became a boarder at the Methodist Ladies' College, Burwood. She admired the headmaster Rev. Charles Prescott, and tried to abide by his dictum, 'be concise'. At the Presbyterian Church, Manly, on 6 December 1913, she married Ivor Bertie Wyatt (d.1958), a salesman and later tea merchant.

In 1926 the family (with two children) moved to Gordon. Dismayed at the total clearing of bushland for home sites and the use of Gordon gully for waste, Annie invited neighbours to her home to share her indignation. This gathering, led by the mayor of Ku-ring-gai, Walter Cresswell O'Reilly, established the Ku-ring-gai Tree Lovers' Civic League in 1927. The influence of the league was widespread. Wyatt was prominent in moves to create and gazette Balls Head reserve, on Sydney Harbour (1931), Dalrymple forest reserve, Pymble (1934), and the A. F. Wyatt reserve, overlooking Palm Beach (1938), named in her honour.

For twenty years Wyatt worked for the Prisoners' Aid Association of New South Wales and was president (1938-41) of the women's section. She regularly visited gaols, where such 'old lags' as Tilly Devine and Kate Leigh regarded her as trustworthy. On friendly terms with the comptroller of prisons, she succeeded in gaining less ugly clothes for the inmates. Horrified at seeing women dampen red-covered library books to colour their lips, she gained permission for them to receive presents of lipstick and face powder.

Annie Wyatt loved old Sydney and the County of Cumberland and spoke with knowledge and enthusiasm on their history. She deplored the ruinous state of two Georgian mansions, Graystanes, Prospect, and Bungaribee, Doonside. The demolition of Burdekin House, Macquarie Street, in 1934 and the Commissariat Stores at West Circular Quay in 1939 (which she described as 'official vandalism at its worst') galvanized her into action. Aware of the work of the National Trust in Britain, at a Tree Lovers' meeting on 11 April that year, she proposed setting up a similar organization in which buildings and landscapes could be permanently vested.

World War II intervened and Annie was occupied with the Prisoners' Aid Association and the Australian Red Cross Society (she was president of the Gordon branch). In 1941 she published a historical romance, Doors that Slam, and gave the proceeds to the Red Cross. Her friends included the historians Charles Bertie and James Watson, an early conservationist Minard Crommelin, and the commissioner for forestry Edward Swain.

At the Australian Forest League's 'Save our Trees' conference in Sydney in November 1944, Wyatt spoke, to acclamation, for a national trust. In April 1945 the National Trust of Australia (New South Wales) was established; O'Reilly chaired the provisional committee (Annie believed that this was not a role for a woman, but she was secretary). She served on the trust's council from its official foundation on 5 November 1947 to her death and was vice-president in 1951-61. She was also vice-president (1947-53) of the Forestry Advisory Council of New South Wales. In 1960 she was appointed O.B.E.

The attitude of (Sir) William McKell's government to a national trust was unenthusiastic, not surprisingly, in view of its plans to demolish Hyde Park Barracks, the Mint and Parliament House to remodel Macquarie Street. The fledgling trust waged a campaign against the forces of government?and won. Public apathy towards the preservation of old buildings now turned to support, especially from the Sydney Morning Herald.

Known to her children as 'Mater', Mrs Wyatt was considered odd: a housewife who struggled to awaken public interest in conservation. She skilfully combined her work?in which her husband took great pride?with her marriage, and endured his camping holidays, concealing from him her lack of enthusiasm. Of medium plump build, with golden hair, blue eyes, and a serious demeanour, she had vision and determination. She died on 27 May 1961 at her home at St Ives and was cremated. Her daughter and son Ivor, who served (1969-73) as president of the National Trust, survived her.

Select Bibliography
¦I. F. Wyatt, Ours in Trust (Syd, 1987)
¦H. Malcher (ed), Women of Ku-ring-gai (Syd, 1999)
¦National Trust of Australia (New South Wales), Bulletin, no 2, 1961
¦Sydney Morning Herald, 27 May 1938, 2 July 1946, 29 May 1961
¦Sunday Sun (Sydney), 31 Mar 1946
¦Sunday Telegraph (Sydney), 24 Mar 1947
¦honours, A463, item 1959/4816 (National Archives of Australia)
¦private information. 
Annie Forsyth Evans
The Sydney Morning Herald Thursday 8 November 1888 Page 11
EVANS.-October 30, at her residence, Verona, 209, Cleveland street, Redfern, the wife of George T. Evans, of a son.

Item number or control symbol: Series 4-247093
Title: Arthur Wilson Evans - Date of Death 06/12/1939, Granted on 05/03/1940  
Arthur Wilson Evans
387 Possible Marriages

Ryerson Index
EVANS Douglas Forsyth Death notice 06AUG1968 Death late of Narrabeen, formerly of Eastwood Sydney Morning Herald 08AUG1968

EVANS Douglas Forsyth Aug 6 1968 (suddenly) of Narrabeen, formerly of Eastwood, dearly beloved brother of Lal (Mrs A. Cooper) brother in law of Edna and Iris and uncle of Lynette, Margaret, Jennifer, Ivor and Colin 
Eric Douglas Forsyth Evans
Possible Marriage

EVANS George Forsyth Death notice 18AUG1957 Death 62 at Parramatta, late of Parramatta Sydney Morning Herald 19AUG1957  
George Forsyth Evans
389 Ancestry Tree
George John Trotter Evans
Birth Oct 1840 in Stepney, Middlesex, England

Richard Evans 1819 ? 1893
Jane Rebecca Canney 1821 ? 1891

PRO Reg No Evans George John Trotter Stepney 2 450

The Sydney Morning Herald Tuesday 3 October 1882 PAGE 1
LOST, a Rough-haired FOX TERRIER, white and yellow ears. Expenses paid by returning him to George T. Evans," Railway Station Redfern.

The Sydney Morning Herald Saturday 4 November 1882 Page 1
EVANS?FORSYTH.?October 25, at St. Michael's Church, Surry Hills, by the Rev. C. F. Garnsey, assisted by the Rev. H. King, George T. Evans (Railway Department), to Annie, second daughter of Archibald Forsyth, Esq., Manila House, Bourke-street, Surry Hills.

The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Thu 30 Nov 1882 Page 15 Family Notices
EVANS?FORSYTH-Oct 25 Surry Hills, by Rev C. F. Garnsey, George T. Evans to Annie Forsyth

The Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday 16 November 1887 Page 9
Mr. FRANK SMITH, M.L.A., presented to the Legislative Assembly last evening a petition from Mr. George T. Evans and Mr." Ambrose Thornley, who asked that they might be heard by counsel or solicitor before the select committee appointed to inquire into and report upon the question of the combination trucks offered to the Government. The petitioners claim to be the proprietors of a patent for a certain description of combination truck originally granted to Messrs. Henry Hudson, William Hudson, Robert Hudson, and Ambrose Thornley. The petition was referred to the select committee.

Worked for the NSW Railways - George T. Evans rose to be commissioner for stores on the New South Wales Railways
Retired from the NSW Railways on the 1st October 1889 - Govt Gazette (14 June 1889) also Govt Gazette Announcement in SMH Sat 15 June 1889

The family story is that George retired from the NSW railways so that he could benefit from the patent (probably a conflict of interest selling to NSW Railways if he was an employee). He retired to his home "Fairholme" at Rooty Hill. Isabella left George. Her father Archibald Forsyth assisted with the raising and education of the children.

Built before 1900, Located at 24 Evans Road, Rooty Hill.
Originally built as a country homestead by the Evans family who named it Fairholme and lived there for many years. The building is now part of St Agnes Catholic High School.
St Agnes Catholic High School was established in 1962. It was founded by the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary. It is part of the Christ Catholic College Community of Schools.
A single storey brick building with hipped galvanised iron roof and surrounding verandahs on all sides with timber posts. The house is almost square in plan with 5 evenly spaced full height double hung french doors along the front facade.
There is a larger, two storey brick building behind and to the right of the original homestead. It's date of construction is unknown, although it was built on the same lines as Fairholme.

The Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday 10 March 1915 Page 9
(Before Mr. Justice Gordon.)
His Honor made absolute the decrees nisi in the following suits, and declared the marriages dissolved:- ??.. Isabella Evans v George Evan

The Sydney Morning Herald Thursday 16 January 1919 Page 3
IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE WESTERN DISTRICT, Holden st Parramatta, No. of Plaint, 2 of 1918; No. of Writ, 1 of 1919. L. BEGGS. Plaintiff, and GEORGE T. EVANS, of Rooty Hill, Defendant -On MONDAY, the twentieth day of January, 1919, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, pursuant to a Writ of Execution, issued in this action, unless the same be previously satisfied, the goods and chattels of the above named, vis. :-Beds and Bedding, Farm Machinery, Sulkies, Furniture, Tools, 1 Horse, and complete Irrigation Plant (compressed air), about 400ft 2in Piping, 4 4000 gal. Steel Tanks, and Sundries, will be sold by public auction at Rooty Hills. Dated this fourteenth day of January, 1919.
G. J. WELCH, Bailiff

George Evans Patent Information at the National Archives of Australia
Select Series no. Control symbol Item title Date range Digitised item Item barcode
A4618 2800 Correspondence with applicant George Trotter Evans concerning invention entitled - Improvements in certain descriptions of ploughs

Access status: Open Location: Canberra 1891 - 1891 5164782
A12624 481 Application for Letters Patent by George Trotter Evans titled - The Australian Combination Railway and Train Truck for Goods, Cattle or Sheep

Access status: Not yet examined Location: Canberra 1883 - 1884 76727
A13127 709 Specifications for registration of patent by George Trotter Evans titled - Improvements in axle boxes and axle lubricators for railway rolling stock - Registered as patent 551

Access status: Open Location: Canberra 1888 - 1888 7635584
A12572 551 Application for Letters Patent by George Trotter Evans titled - Improvement in axle boxes and axle lubricators for railway rolling stock

Access status: Open Location: Canberra 1888 - 1888 7663742
A4618 586 Correspondence with applicant George Trotter Evans and John Goff concerning invention entitled - Improvements in axle - boxes and axle lubricators for railway rolling stock

Access status: Open Location: Canberra 1888 - 1888 5165831
A4617 2800 New South Wales Letters Patent - Improvements in certain descriptions of ploughs - Specification by George Trotter Evans

Access status: Not yet examined Location: Canberra 1891 - 1891 41943
A12568 635 Application for Letters Patent for an invention by George Trotter Evans titled - Improvements in axle boxes and axle lubricators for railway rolling stock

Access status: Open Location: Canberra 1888 - 1889 7787121
A13128 1344 Specification for registration of patent by George trotter Evans titled - Improvmeents in axle boxes and axle lubricators for railway rolling stock - Registered as Patent 1183

Access status: Open Location: Canberra 1888 - 1888 9011841
A13128 1246 Specification for registration of patent by George Trotter Evans titled - Improvements in axle boxes and axle lubricators for railway rolling stock - Patent not registered

Access status: Open Location: Canberra 1888 - 1888 9011743
A13128 447 Specification for registration of patent by George Trotter Evans titled - An improvement in railway and tram trucks entitled The Australian Combination Railway and Tram Truck for goods cattle or sheep - Registered as Patent 408

Access status: Open Location: Canberra 1883 - 1883 9011015
A1565 635 Tasmanian Letters Patent. Improvements in axle boxes and axle lubricators for railway rolling stock - Specification by George Trotter Evans

Access status: Open Location: Canberra 1888 - 1888 5153992
A13150 6011 Specifications for registration of patent by George Trotter Evans (being partly an assignment from John Goff) titled - Improvements in axle-boxes and axle lubricators for railway rolling stock

Access status: Open Location: Canberra 1888 - 1888 9041719
A13150 3601 Specifications for registration of patent by George Trotter Evans titled - Improvements in railway and tram trucks for the carriage of cattle sheep and goods

Access status: Open Location: Canberra 1883 - 1883 9033249
George Trotter Evans
390 Death

EVANS Harry John Harris Death notice 02JUL1916 Death 41 at Sydney Hospital, late of North Sydney Sydney Morning Herald  
Harry John Harris Evans
391 The Sydney Morning Herald Monday 18 April 1891 Page 1
EVANS.-At her residence. Fairholme, Booty Hill, April 13, the wife of George- T. Evans, of a son

The Sydney Morning Herald Monday 20 April 1891 Page 4
EVANS.-At her residence, Fairholme, Rooty Hill, April 13, the wife of George T. Evans, of a son.

Served WW1
Evans Keith Forsyth : SERN LIEUT 2614 : POB Rooty Hill NSW : POE Liverpool NSW : NOK M Evans Alice

National Archives of Australia
Item details for: A627, 1773/1926
Title Application for Letters Patent for an invention by Keith Forsyth Evans titled, An economiser for internal combustion engines
Contents date range 1926 - 1926
Series number A627
Click to see which government agency or person created this item.
Control symbol 1773/1926
Item barcode 4217107
Location Canberra
Access status Not yet examined
Physical format PAPER FILES AND DOCUMENTS (allocated at series level)
Extent .5 cm
Date registered 18 Apr 2000

Nepean Times (Penrith, NSW : 1882 - 1962) Thursday 27 March 1941 p 5
Mr G. F. Evans, chief warden of St. Marys, has been bereaved by the death of his brother, Mr. Keith Forsyth Evans, which took place at his resi dence, 123 Old South Head Road, Waverley, on 17th Inst., at- the age of 49 years. Deceased leaves a wife, two brothers, and two sisters.

Item number or control symbol: Series 4-258982
Title: Keith Forsyth Evans - Date of Death 17/03/1941, Granted On 18/06/1941  
Keith Forsyth Evans
392 FORSYTH Muriel Helen Death notice 17MAR1978 Death late of East Killara, formerly of Cremorne Sydney Morning Herald 18MAR1978  Muriel Helen James Evans
393 Service Record
Service Australian Army
Service Number NX41404
Date of Birth 25 Mar 1916
Place of Birth WALCHA, NSW
Date of Enlistment 3 Sep 1940
Locality on Enlistment WALCHA, NSW
Place of Enlistment TAMWORTH, NSW
Date of Discharge 5 Jan 1941
Rank Private
Posting at Discharge 7 R R BN TAMWORTH
WW2 Honours and Gallantry None for display
Prisoner of War No

Service Royal Australian Air Force
Service Number 403326
Date of Birth 25 Mar 1916
Place of Birth WALCHA, NSW
Date of Enlistment 6 Jan 1941
Locality on Enlistment Unknown
Place of Enlistment SYDNEY, NSW
Date of Discharge 3 Oct 1945
Rank Warrant Officer
Posting at Discharge 450 SQUADRON
WW2 Honours and Gallantry None for display
Prisoner of War Yes  
Peter Alexander Ewing
394 FAIRJONES David Death notice 30JAN2002 Death 79 late of Mowil Village Castle Hill Sydney Morning Herald 02FEB2002  David Fairjones
395 Probable
Scotland, Births and Baptisms
Name: Mary Falconer
Gender: Female
Christening Date: 12 May 1811
Christening Place: DYKE,MORAY,SCOTLAND
Birth Date: 01 May 1811
Father's Name: Donald Falconer
Mother's Name: Janet Donaldson
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C11133-2 , System Origin: Scotland-ODM , GS Film number: 990795, 990796

1881 Scotland Census
Name: Mary Forsyth
Age: 69
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1812
Relationship: Head
Gender: Female
Where born: Dyke, Morayshire
Registration Number: 144
Registration district: Urquhart
Civil Parish: Urquhart
County: Moray
Occupation: Annuitant
Household schedule number:73
Roll: cssct1881_41
Household Members: Name Age
Mary Forsyth 69
Hellen Forsyth 45
Isabella Forsyth 30
Margaret Isabella Forsyth 17 Granddaughter
Jessie Mayfield Chalmers Forsyth 8 Granddaughter

Mary Falconer
396 At least one living individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living
397 Death?

FALKINER Charles Leslie Sadler Death notice 02JUL1960 Death 59 at Hospital Wagga, late of Wagga Sydney Morning Herald 04JUL1960

Service Record
Service Royal Australian Air Force
Service Number 261830
Date of Birth 14 Dec 1900
Place of Birth Unknown
Date of Enlistment Unknown
Locality on Enlistment Unknown
Place of Enlistment Unknown
Date of Discharge 6 Aug 1945
Rank Flight Lieutenant
Posting at Discharge 3 Aircraft Depot
WW2 Honours and Gallantry None for display
Prisoner of War No
Charles Leslie Sadlier Falkiner

FALKINER Franc Forsayth Probate notice 29MAR2006 Publication late of Basin View South Coast Register (Nowra) 29MAR2006
FALKINER Franc Forsayth Funeral notice 03MAR2006 Funeral at Shoalhaven Memorail Gardens Crematorium The Age (Melbourne) 02MAR2006

Photo with this article
Married Yesterday The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954) Wednesday 23 January 1952 p 5

Narandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser (NSW : 1893 - 1953) Tuesday 29 January 1952 p 1
Falkiner - Wragge
Two well-known Riverina families were united when. Pamela Rosemary Wragge married Franc Forsayth Falkiner at St. John's Church, Toorak, Melbourne, on Tuesday. The bride is the daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. L. G. Wragge of Narlera, Deniliquin, and the bridegroom is the the son of Mr. C. L. Falkiner, of Boonoke North, 'Widgiewa, and the late Mrs. Falkiner. She wore an unusual gown of honeysuckle embossed magnolia Batin, cut on tailored lines, with regal train. Her simple tulle veil was held with a pearl coronet Her sister, Mrs. Maurice Lamb, and Miss Barbara Ellis attended her, wearing identical gowns of ice-blue tailored satin, with pleated skirts, matched with feather-blue head dress. Mr. Bill Hanlon and Mr. Stan Bull attended the groom.
Franc Forsayth Falkiner
FALKINER Franc Sadleir Death notice 21APR1998 Death 92 at Leamington Nursing Home, late of Gold Coast, formerly of 'Mt Falcon' Tooma NSW Gold Coast Bulletin 24APR1998 
Franc Sadleir Falkiner
400 At least one living individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living

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