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   Notes   Linked to 
TT's Baptism
West Yorkshire, England, Births and Baptisms, 1813-1910
about Thomas Todd Forsyth Name: Thomas Todd Forsyth
Birth Date: 2 Nov 1839
Parish: Leeds, St Peter
Baptism Date: 2 Dec 1839
Father's Name: James Forsyth
Mother's Name: Margaret Forsyth

TT and Anns Bible was with Joan Roberts

Thomas Todd Forsyth landed Sydney Feb 1863 on the Lobelia, age 22

Family Bible has date of death 1922

England & Wales, FreeBMD Birth Index, 1837-1915
about Thomas Todd Forsyth Name: Thomas Todd Forsyth
Date of Registration: Oct-Nov-Dec 1839
Registration district: Leeds
Inferred County: Yorkshire - West Riding
Volume: 23
Page: 324

West Yorkshire, England, Births and Baptisms, 1813-1910
about Thomas Todd Forsyth Name: Thomas Todd Forsyth
Birth Date: 2 Nov 1839
Parish: Leeds, St Peter
Baptism Date: 2 Dec 1839
Father's Name: James Forsyth
Mother's Name: Margaret Forsyth

1851 England Census
Name: Thomas Forsyth
Age: 11
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1840
Relation: Son
Mother's Name: Margaret Forsyth
Gender: M (Male)
Where born: Leeds
Civil parish: Bermondsey
Ecclesiastical parish: St Mary Magdalen
County/Island: Surrey
Country: England
Registration district: Bermondsey
Sub-registration district: Leather Market
ED, institution, or vessel: 12
Neighbors: View others on page
Household schedule number: 210
Piece: 1562
Folio: 333
Page Number: 39
Household Members: Name Age
Margaret Forsyth 33
Thomas Forsyth 11
John Forsyth 9
James Forsyth 5
Robert Forsyth 2

1861 England Census
Name: Thomas Forsyth
Age: 20
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1841
Relation: Son
Mother's Name: Margaret Forsyth
Gender: Male
Where born: Leeds, Yorkshire, England
Civil parish: Bermondsey
Ecclesiastical parish: St Mary Magdalen
County/Island: Surrey
Country: England
Registration district: Bermondsey
Sub-registration district: Leather Market
ED, institution, or vessel: 10
Neighbors: View others on page
Household schedule number: 107
Piece: 326
Folio: 3
Page Number: 19
Household Members: Name Age
Margaret Forsyth 42
Thomas Forsyth 20
John Forsyth 19
Robert Forsyth 12
Margt Forsyth 5
Sarah Jane Forsyth 1
Edward Darling 48
James Learn 20
Mary Basal 3
Mary Jones 9

Thomas Todd Forsyth
1252 Did Not Marry

The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Friday 3 July 1925 p 10
FORSYTH.-July 2, 1925, at his parents' residence, 28 Cambridge-street, Willoughby, Thomas Todd, dearly beloved infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Willoughby Forsyth, aged 14 months

The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954) Mon 6 Jul 1925 Page 8
Baby Drowned
Thomas .Todd Forsyth, the 14-months-old baby of Mrs. Mary Catherine Forsyth, of Cambridge-street, Willoughby, was found dead by his mother on July 2, in a copper receptacle containing nine inches of water.
The City Coroner to-day returned a verdict of accidental drowning.
Thomas Todd Forsyth
1253 No Issue

Sydney, Australia, Anglican Parish Registers, 1814-2011
Name: Thos Tond Forsyth
[Thomas Todd Forsyth]
Event Type: Baptism
Birth Date: 21 Dec 1868
Baptism Date: 10 Jan 1869
Baptism Place: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Parish as it Appears: St Michael
Father: Thos Todd Forsyth
Mother: Ann Forsyth

The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Saturday 20 August 1892 p 1
FORSYTH-McGREGOR. -August 10, 1892 at the
Wesleyan Church, Willoughby, by the Rev T R McMichael, Thomas Todd, third son of Alderman Thomas Forsyth, JP of Willoughby, to Elizabeth (Lily), eldest daughter of the late John McGregor, Esq., of Waverley and Nelson's Plains.

The Sydney Morning Herald Tuesday 26 March 1907 Page 5
Elizabeth Jane Forsyth, formerly McGregor, sought a dissolution of her marriage with Thomas Todd Forsyth, on tho grounds of habitual drunkenness and failure to support. Mr. E. J. Spear appeared for the petitioner. The parties were married at the Wesleyan Church, Willoughby, on August 10, 1892. Re- spondent began drinking to excess in 1897. She left him in February, 1905, in consequence of his conduct.
A decree nisi was granted, returnable in six months.

The Sydney Morning Herald Thursday 19 December 1907 Page 3
Elizabeth Jane Forsyth v Thomas Todd Forsyth
Thomas Todd Forsyth
1254 The Sydney Morning Herald Monday 8 November 1897 Page 2
NOITCE is hereby given that the PARTNERSHIP
heretotore subsisting between tho undersigned, THOMAS TODD FORSYTH and ROBERT FORSYTH, carrying on business together as Tanners and Curriers, &c., at North Willoughby, and as Leather and Grindery Merchants, &c, at Nos 29 and 31 George-street West, in Sydney, under the style or firm of " J Forsyth and Son," has been DISSOLVED bymutual consent asfrom the 19th day of May, 1897. And that the said Tannery Business will in future be carried on as heretofoe at North W illoughby aforesaid, by the said Thomas Todd Forsyth alone in his own name and sole individual responsibility. And also that the said Leather and Grindery Business will in future be carried on as heretofore at Nos. 29 and 31 George-street West aforesaid by the said Robert Torsyth alone under the name of " J. Forsyth and Sons and equally on his own sole responsibility, and who will receive all moneys owing to the said late partnership.
Witness to both signatures: JAMES FORSYTH. Jun.

The Sydney Wool and Stock Journal (NSW : 1899 - 1917) Friday 8 May 1903 Page 7
Prior to the commencement of the usual weekly auctions of hides on Friday afternoon last, Mr. A. H. Moore, having requested Mr. T. T. Forsyth, one of the pioneers of the tanning industry in New South Wales, to step forward, said that a duty had been placed upon him ? he was not going to say with a degree of pleasure, as possibly it might be with a little degree of regret ? it was to ask him to accept a
small souvenir from a few of his friends, who had esteemed hia many sterling qualities for years. To many persona it would be a source of regret to know that they would in the future miss him from active business circles. He could claim to be among the oldest associated with the tanning trade, and could remember when the names of Forsyth, Begg, and Alderson were a power in the land, so for as the tanning trade was concerned. It was a matter of very much regret that so old a name as Forsyth, which had been associated with the trade for so many years, was about to take its departure. It was sometimes a source of great pleasure to see old friends, and to know that one was appreciated for what he was and for what he was worth, and it was with that view, having been asked to perform the ceremony, he did it with a good deal of pleasure. He asked Mr. Forsyth'a acceptance of a purse of sovereigna from a few of his friends, and explained that the presentation took this shape solely on account of the difficulty which the donors had experienced in not knowing what form of present might be acceptable to him. He could assure him that this was a small token of their great respect, and that none of them could express in words the esteem they felt. In whatever walk of life he mighb take up in the future his progress would be watched with great interest, and they wished him every success. They hoped he would accept the gift in the spirit in which it was given, and wished him and his family prosperity and happiness. (Applause).
Mr. Forsyth, in reply, said he found it some what difficult to express his thanks, as he had always been a worker rather than a talker. However, he thanked them sincerely, and was glad to think that among them he would never go short of a pound if he asked for it. As to his reason for leaving the trade, he would say that whon a man reached 64 and got a kick in the back, he was a 'real plucked 'un ' if he started again. Forty years ago Forsyth and Co. started business with a billy-goat cart, which they uaed to drive round Surry Hills and Waterloo. There was a great difference in the trade now and when he started in it. When he started the man who made the best leather got the best price. (Hear, hear. ) It was not so now. The man who first introduced glucose into leather did, in his opinion, immense injury to the trade. Before the leather trade was what it ought to be, and what it was 25 years ago, they would have to pass a law that any man who puts glucose in gets into trouble, and then the leather trade will im prove. He thanked them all very heartily for their present. 
Thomas Todd Forsyth
1255 FORSYTH Thomas William Death notice 02SEP1977 Death late of Willoughby Sydney Morning Herald 05SEP1977

1954 lived at 9 Clanwilliam ST Chatswood - carpenter

Service Australian Army
Service Number N170999
Date of Birth 1 Nov 1906
Place of Birth WILLOUGHBY, NSW
Date of Enlistment 12 Jun 1941
Locality on Enlistment WILLOUGHBY, NSW
Place of Enlistment WILLOUGHBY, NSW
Next of Kin FORSYTH, M
Date of Discharge 16 Oct 1945
Rank Sapper
WW2 Honours and Gallantry None for display
Prisoner of War No  
Thomas William Forsyth
1256 Mrs Harry of Carnegie Victoria Thora Evelyn FORSYTH
The Canberra Times Saturday 29 October 1988 p 3
Troy Hugh Forsyth, 17.
$15,000 reward offered
for help in tracking
hit-and-run panel van
Polico Reporter
For (he first time in the ACT,
police have offered a reward for
information about a motor-vehi
cle accident.
The $15,000 reward was
posted yesterday by the Austra
lian Federal Police for informa
tion about a hit-and-run incident
in Deakin last year.
Troy Hugh Forsyth, 17, of
Deakin, was knocked down and
killed by a vehicle as he crossed
Kent Street at about 1.15am on
Sunday, March 1.
Troy's mother, Mrs Valerie
Forsyth, said she was still uncer
tain as to whether her son's
death had been the result of an
accident or a deliberate act.
"I could not rest until I know
that all that could be done has
been done to find the truth," she
said yesterday.
Troy had been walking beside
the road in Kent Street with
three other youths after attend
ing an 18th-birthday party at the
Deakin Soccer Club.
It is believed that he broke
away from his friends, crossed to
a median strip, and appeared to
stumble before stepping on to the
north-bound lane of Kent Street,
opposite the Deakin telephone
exchange, where he was struck
by the vehicle.
He suffered internal injuries
and died shortly after.
The panel van is believed to
A 1977-78 Holden HZ panel van, similar to the one being sought by police, rami cnips have identified the colour of the vehicle as Caribbean Turquoise. Help
A 1977-78 Holden HZ panel van, similar to the one being sought by police, rami cnips
have identified the colour of the vehicle as Caribbean Turquoise.
have had accident damage 10 us
right-hand-side panels.
Paint chips found near the
body had been analysed and
found to have been from an
1977-78 "Caribbean Turquoise"
Holden HZ panel van. Only 186
HZ panel vans with that particu
lar colour have been manufac
tured and distributed around
An interstate search for the
panel vans followed and the
NSW police were asked to trace,
using engine numbers, the SO
panel vans distributed in the
Sergeant Bill Hourigan, who
is in charge of the hit-and-run
investigation, said police had
been able to locate only about
half of 186 panel vans in the 19
months since the incident.
Police had looked for the pan
el vans in all states and in the
Northern Territory and thought
the remainder of the vans might
have been "written off" in acci
dents or remained unregistered
and difficult to locate.
The panel van is not the only
lead the police have and, though
they do not "suspect anybody",
there are "certain persons" the
police want to talk to in relation
to the incident.
Mrs Forsyth said every fore
seeable avenue to gain informa
tion had been explored and the
posting of a reward was a final
appeal to the public.
"Obviously there is the ele
ment that know something but
nave noi came lutnuu, sue
said. "I see [the reward) as the
final move. I feel now that I have
to accept that all has been done
that could be done."
The three youths who wit
nessed the incident gave similar
accounts of it to the police. They
later underwent hypnotherapy in
an attempt to find the licence
plate number, but they gave dif
ferent answers.
Sergeant Hourigan said he be
lieved it had been the first time
hypnotherapy had been used to
aid an investigation in the ACT
and the first time a reward had
been offered for information re
garding a motor-vehicle accident.
A reward of up to $15,000
would be paid to any person who
*was able to supply information
leading to the identification of
the driver or owner of the vehicle
involved in the hit-and-run.
The reward would remain in
force for 12 months and would
be paid at the discretion of the
Commissioner of the AFP.
"It is the law of money, rather
than conscience, that may bring
people forward [with informa
tion!," he said. "(Despite the 12
month limit] the case will never
be closed. Accident-squad mem
bers are still pulling the vehicles
over and checking them out."
He said any information sup
plied to the police would be
treated as confidential.
Any person with information
can contact the police on
49 7444.
Mrs Valerie Forsyth at a press conference yesterday. 
Troy Hugh Forsyth
1258 At least one living individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living
The Canberra Times Saturday 25 November 1972 p 1
Married despite crutches
Miss Valerie Forsyth, of Yarralumla, walked down the aisle on crutches instead of carrying a conventional bouquet to marry Dr Hans Tammamagi, a Canadian, at St Andrew's Church, Forrest, yesterday.
She was followed closely by her matron-of-honour,Mrs Helen Stoeckel, who was also on crutches. Both women were victims of two separate ski-ing accidents in August this year.
Mrs Tammamagi, a secretary with the Department of Immigration, fractured her thigh and as a result spent three months in hospital. Her original wedding date was in
Although she would be using crutches for another month the wedding could no longer be postponed as Dr Tammamagi has to
leave shortly for London where he has a job. He has a doctorate in geophysics from the ANU.
The couple had originally planned to hitch-hike through South America for their honeymoon before going to England. Instead they will have to fly to Canada in time to spend
Christmas with Dr Tammamagi's parents in Ontario, Canada.
Valerie Forsyth
Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 - 1954)
Wed 4 Dec 1929
Page 1
Family Notices
FORSYTH.-On the 3rd December, at the Children's Hospital, Valma Clarice, beloved only daughter of Noel Forsyth, 29 Hampden-street, aged 7 years. 
Valma Clarice FORSYTH
1261 Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922
Name: Vera Henrietta Forsyth
Birth Date: 26 Feb 1893
Birth Place: Tasmania
Registration Year: 1893
Registration Place: Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Father: William Henry Forsyth
Mother: Johanna Stegess
Registration Number: 365 
Vera Henrietta Forsyth
1262 ?????
The Inverell Times (NSW : 1899 - 1954) Fri 19 Dec 1952 Page 4
The engagement is anounced of Mis Peggy Loretta Bindley, of Inverell telephone exchange, and eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Blndey, of Chester Street, Inverell to Mr. Vernon James Forsyth, only son of Mr. and Mrs, C. H. Forsyth, of Nullamauna. The lovely solitaire diamond ring has bowl shoulders of platinum, centred with three diamonds.

She went on to marry Robert Harris

FORSYTH Vernon James Death notice 21JUL2021 Death 88 late of Miranda, formerly of Inverell St George & Sutherland Leader 04AUG2021  
Vernon James Forsyth
Forsyth Victor Perth 2586 M 1954 Gostelow Margaret Mary 
1264 At least one living individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living
Aka Joe

WW2 Nominal Roll has dob as 1 Jul 1916

Service Record
Service Australian Army
Service Number NX40468
Date of Birth1 Jul 1916
Place of Birth ASHFORD, NSW
Date of Enlistment 25 Jun 1940
Locality on Enlistment ASHFORD, NSW
Place of Enlistment TAMWORTH, NSW
Date of Discharge 19 Dec 1945
Rank Private
Posting at Discharge 2/18 Australian Infantry Battalion
WW2 Honours and Gallantry None for display
Prisoner of War Yes

Glen Innes Examiner (NSW : 1908 - 1954)
Tue 10 Dec 1946
Page 4
The engagement is announced of Muriel Edna Doust. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Doust, of Glen Innes, to Vincent Leslie
Forsyth, son of Mr. D. Forsyth, "St. Alban's." Ashford, and the
late Mrs. Forsyth. Miss Doust is attached to the nursing staff of
"Craignish" Private Hospital, Inverell.

FORSYTH Vincent Leo Funeral notice 03MAY2011 Funeral 94 late of Inverell Inverell Times 03MAY2011
FORSYTH Vincent Leo Probate notice 01JUL2011 Publication late of Inverell Inverell Times 01JUL2011
FORSYTH Vincent Leo (Joe) Obituary 29JUL2011 Publication 95 late of Inverell Inverell Times 29JUL2011

Born Vincent Leo Forsyth on July 22 1916, Joe was the fourth of 17 children born to David and Hannah Forsyth. He grew up on the family property “St Albions” at Ashford before enlisting in the army.
He was in the 2/18th Battalion and spent more than three years as a prisoner of war in Changi Prison. When the war ended he returned home where he met the love of his life Muriel Doust.
They had two children Pamela (Coxon) and Peter and had 10 years of wonderful married life sadly Muriel passed away at 38 years of Asthma. After moving to town they bought the family home in Granville Street where he lived until he was 89 years before going into McLean Retirement Village.
For the last five years of his life Joe was known for his beautiful gardens especially Roses, Dahlias and Camellias. He supplied the family and neighbours with lovely home grown fruit and vegetables. Joe was a loving brother to his brothers and sisters and help looked after the younger ones as his mother died at 52 years. He went on to raise his children whom he was totally devoted to. He adored his eight grandchildren and seven great grandchildren, supporting them livingly and financially in whatever they chose to do and went without himself to make sure they were taken care of. He was very proud of their achievements.
His grandson Murray was his “champ”. He supported his cycling career with great pride and got great pleasure out of being able to travel with Murray all over the country. It was a bog blow to Joe when Murray died four years ago, but again he supported the family and soldiered on. His family summed him up by saying he was the most courageous, generous, unselfish man you would ever meet. Joe was an inspiration to all who knew him. He will live on in his family that loved him dearly. Joe is survived by his daughter Pamela (Coxon) and husband John, son Peter and wife Julie, and grandchildren Kylie, Lisa, Carla, Kimberley, Travis, Jolene, Ben and great grandchildren Liam, Ryan, Alexis, Oliver, Isabella, Asher and Indie.
Vincent Leo Forsyth was a descendant of John & Maria Forsyth. The “Ryerson” index tells us that Leo’s Funeral Notice appeared in Inverell Times on 3.5.2011 and an Obituary appeared in that same newspaper on 29.7.2011. Judy Forsyth. 
Vincent Leo Forsyth

Name: Violet Forsyth
Gender: Female
Birth Date: 15 Aug 1826
Birth Place: Edinburgh Parish, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
Baptism Place: Edinburgh Parish, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
Father: George Forsyth
Mother: Voilet Candlish
FHL Film Number: 1066691
Reference ID: 2:17PW9H2

Name Violet Caudlish Forsyth
Birth Date 6 May 1858
Birth Place Adelaide
Registration Place Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Father John Forsyth
Mother Elizabeth Smith
Page number 309
Volume Number 11
Household Members Name Age
Violet Caudlish Forsyth
Elizabeth Smith
John Forsyth

Name Violet Candlish Simon
Death Place South Australia
Registration Year 1926-1930
Registration Place South Australia
Page number 562
Volume Number 485


Violett Candlish Forsyth

Father's Name John Forsyth
Spouse Name Theodore Frederick Simon
Spouse's Father's Name Frederick Simon
Marriage Date 29 May 1878
Marriage Place Res Of Mr Forsyth Adelaide
Registration Place Adelaide South Australia
Page number 1000
Volume Number 115
Household Members Name Age
Violett Candlish Forsyth
Violet Candlish FORSYTH
1268 No Issue Violet Kathlyn Forsyth
Forsyth- In fond and loving memory of my dear little daughter, Violet Maude, who departed this life at Junee on 11th.June 1906; aged 12 years.

I dream of you at night dear Violey;

I think of you each day.

There is nothing left to car for now,

Since you were called away.

Although five years have passed dear,

My heart is still sore,

As on the day you passed away;

As time goes on I miss you more.

Inserted by her loving mother, Isabella Forsyth.
Violet Maud Forsyth
1270 Wallace enlisted in the Army at Monto Qld, on 27 May 1942, Service No. Q208064, Rank Private, Next kin Stanley Forsyth. Discharged 10 Battalion Volunteer Defence Corps. Qld. on 21 Oct. 1945 (Source Commonwealth of Australia Defence Forces
Wallace Mc Leod FORSYTH

Walter L. Forsyth ???????????
Birth: Feb. 11, 1867
Death: May 26, 1892
Oakland Cemetery
Fulton County
Georgia, USA

Created by: Judy K. Brantley/Wilson
Record added: Aug 14, 2009
Find A Grave Memorial# 40662594
Walter Forsyth
The Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954)Thu 18 Aug 1898 Page 1
Family Notices
FORSYTH.? On the 7th August, at Prestonlea, Hamilton, of acute bronchitis, Walter, dearly beloved youngest son of Robert C. and Annie Forsyth, aged 16 months. 
Walter Forsyth
1273 Australia Birth Index, 1788-1922
about Walter David Forsyth
Name: Walter David Forsyth
Father's Name: James Forsyth
Mother's name: Jane Mcmillan
Birth Place: Buckingham, Victoria
Registration Year: 1871
Registration Place: Victoria
Registration number: 14492

Australia Death Index, 1787-1985 ?????
about Walter David Forsyth
Name: Walter David Forsyth
Death Place: Victoria
Father's Name: James
Mother's name: Jane
Registration Year: 1871
Registration Place: Victoria
Registration number: 5744

Other tree has buried 14 June 1871 
Walter David Forsyth
1274 The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912) Wed 15 May 1907 Page 1281
Family Notices
FORSYTH-JONES.-April 3, at Christ Church, Lavender Bay, by the Rev. W. A. Charlton, Walter George Forsyth to Louisa Elizabeth Jones.

The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912) Wed 15 May 1907 Page 1281 Family Notices
FORSYTH?JONES.?April 3, at Christ Church, Lavender Bay, by the Rev. W. A. Charlton, Walter George Forsyth to Louisa Elizabeth Jones.

Ryerson Index
FORSYTH Walter George Death notice 19JUN1963 Death late of Turramurra Sydney Morning Herald 20JUN1963  
Walter George Forsyth
The Sydney Morning Herald Fri 13 Aug 1909 Page 11
The Rev. W. Grant Forsyth, formerly of
Glasgow, was yesterday . Inducted to the
charge of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church.
The charge was rendcrcd vacant by tho re-
signation several months ago of the Rov. C.
E. James, and since then the Rev. A. Fraser
has,acted as interim moderator for St. An-
drew's. The Rev. W. Grant Forsyth has
spent eight years in Glasgow, and was unani-
mously chosen by tho St. Andrew's -congre-
gation to take tho charge. The induction of tho
now pastor was performed by tho Rev. J.
II. Beynon, of Singleton, Moderator of the
Presbytory, in tho presence of a large
gathering of clergymen and members of the
congregation. Subsequently at a tea and
public meeting held at tho church Mr. For-
syth was welcomed.

FORSYTH Walter Grant Death notice 23APR1944 Death 79 late of Cronulla Sydney Morning Herald 24APR1944

The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Wednesday 26 April 1944 p 12 Family Notices
FORSYTH -The Relatives and Friends of Mrs. Jean H Forsyth, Mr. and Mrs. John W. R. (Ian) Forsyth, and of Nancy and Walter James (Hamish) Forsyth (A I F ) and Mrs Forsyth and Family are invited to attend the Funeral of her dearly loved Hus- band and their dear father and Grandfather Reverend Walter Grant Forsyth of 26 Oaks Street Cronulla which will leave the Pres- byterian Church Hurstville This (Wednes- day) Morning after Service commencing at 10 o clock for the Crematorium Woronora By request no flowers J and C Hardy A F D A Rockdale and Hurstville

The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Monday 24 April 1944 p 8 Family Notices
FORSYTH-April 23 1944 (suddenly) at his residence 26 Oaks Street Cronulla Reverend Walter Grant Forsyth beloved hus- band of Jean Henderson Forsyth and loving father of John and Walter (AIF) aged 79 years See Tuesday s Herald for funeral announcement
Walter Grant Forsyth
1276 The Sydney Morning Herald Sat 8 Nov 1930 Page 12
FORSYTH?GRAY.?October 4, 1930, at Haberfield, by the father of the bridegroom, Walter James, younger son of the Rev. W. Grant Forsyth and Mrs. Forsyth, to Ida Marion, youngest daughter of the late Mr. W. Stuart Gray and Mrs. Gray, of Paddington.

FORSYTH Walter James (Hamish) Death notice 28OCT1983 Death 77 late of Lindfield Sydney Morning Herald 31OCT1983
FORSYTH Walter James (Hamish) Death notice 28OCT1983 Death 77 late of Lindfield Sydney Morning Herald 29OCT1983
Walter James Forsyth
1277 Ryerson Index ?related
FORSYTH Walter James (Hamish) Death notice 28OCT1983 Death 77 late of Lindfield Sydney Morning Herald 29OCT1983
FORSYTH Walter James (Hamish) Death notice 28OCT1983 Death 77 late of Lindfield Sydney Morning Herald 31OCT1983

Forsyth, John Walter
OccupationNaval historian and Solicitor
John Walter Forsyth, a solicitor by profession, was an amateur historian interested in navigation and cartography. He was also a Trustee of the Public Library of New South Wales.

Service Record
Service Australian Army
Service Number NX140468 (N85257)
Date of Birth 21 Mar 1908
Place of Birth GORDON, NSW
Date of Enlistment 8 Jan 1943
Locality on Enlistment STRATHFIELD, NSW
Place of Enlistment BRIGHTON, NSW
Date of Discharge 3 Jun 1945
Rank Captain
Posting at Discharge 25 HVY A A BTY
WW2 Honours and Gallantry None for display
Prisoner of War No

The Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday 9 April 1941 Page 26
Forsyth - Wiesener
A CUT tulle veil which was worn previously by her sister, Mrs. Jim Gowing, was worn last night by Miss Betty Wiesener at her wedding to Mr. Walter John Forsyth, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Forsyth, of Turramurra.
The bride, who is the eldest daughter of Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Wiesener, of Strathfield, wore a gown of white chiffon and Chantilly lace. The lace formed a wide band round the hem of the gown and also on the long bridal train. Mrs. Gowing also lent her sister a pearl brooch which was given to her on her 21st birthday
Frocks of heavy ivory crepe made with di aped bodices were worn by the brides- maids, Miss Bctty Gowing and Miss Patri- cia Forsyth (a sister of the bridegroom). The sleeves of their frocks were adorned with gold sequins, and thev carried gar- denias and golden berries.
The best man was Mr. Colin Cadwalla- der, and the ushers were Messrs. Jim Gowing, Gordon Forsyth. Max Warburton, and John Wailes. The ceremony at the Strathfield-Homebush Congregational Church was followed by a reception at Redleaf, Double Bay. 
Walter John Charles Forsyth

Name: Walter Reynolds Forsyth
Record Type: Baptism
Baptism Date: 3 Jun 1849
Father's name: Andrew Forsyth
Mother's name: Eliza Maria Forsyth
Parish or Poor Law Union: Hampstead St John
Borough: Camden
Register Type: Parish Registers

Name: Watler Reynolds Forsyth
Registration Year: 1853
Registration Quarter: Oct-Nov-Dec
Registration district: Pancras
Inferred County: London
Volume: 1b
Page: 109

Name: Walter Reynolds Forsyth
Age: 4
Birth Date: 1850
Burial Date: 5 Jan 1854
Burial Place: St. Martin, Middlesex, England
FHL Film Number: 561153
Reference ID: p456 n26
Walter Reynolds Forsyth
1279 Master Tanner Walter Sydney Forsyth
1280 Australia Birth Index, 1788-1922
about Wilhelmina Mckay Forsyth
Name: Wilhelmina Mckay Forsyth
Father's Name: James Forsyth
Mother's name: Jane Mcmillan
Birth Place: Mors, Victoria
Registration Year: 1864
Registration Place: Victoria
Registration number: 4199

Australia Marriage Index, 1788-1950
about Williamena McKay Forsyth
Name: Williamena McKay Forsyth
Spouse Name: Arth Cook
Marriage Place: Victoria
Registration Place: Victoria
Registration Year: 1889
Registration number: 8591

Australia Death Index, 1787-1985
about Williamena Mckay Cook
Name: Williamena Mckay Cook
Death Place: Williamstown, Victoria
Age: 63
Father's Name: Jas Forsyth
Mother's name: Jane Mcmillan
Registration Year: 1926
Registration Place: Victoria
Registration number: 16216
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1863
Wihelmina McKay Forsyth
1281 Cootamundra Herald (NSW : 1877 - 1954)
Tue 28 Apr 1914 Page 4
The wedding was celebrated on 8th instant of Ada Florence, eldest daughter of Mr. T. W. Faulks, and Wilfred Lancelot, eldest son of Mr. L. P. Forsyth. The ceremony was performed at the residence of the bride's parents, "Faiyview", Wallendbeen, by the Rev. John Calder, M.A. The bride, who had been organist in the Methodist Church, was presented with an entire dish by her church friends. The honeymoon
was spent in Sydney and on the South Coast.

FORSYTH Wilfred Lancelot Death notice 11JUL1967 Death late of Cootamundra Sydney Morning Herald 15JUL1967

Child death??

FORSYTH Garnet Wilfred Death notice 08MAY1986 Death formerly of Cootamundra Sydney Morning Herald 10MAY1986  
Wilfred Lancelot Forsyth
1282 Summary Of Record Information
Names are only recorded in capitals Application Number
Last Name SEABY KC00092442
See legend for application code details
Aged (Years) 78 Date of Death 05/07/1988
Ashes Request
Cemetery LAWN
Area or Denomination H
Section 0305
Grant Number K0085746 Grantee DONALD NOEL SEABY
Grant Status EXPIRED
At today's date Expiry 11/11/2010
Wilhelmina FORSYTH

Scotland, Births and Baptisms

Name: William Forsyth
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 07 Nov 1858
Father's Name: William Forsyth
Mother's Name: Martha Bretton

Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C11668-1 , System Origin: Scotland-ODM , GS Film number: 6035516 
William Forsyth

Scotland, Births and Baptisms
Name: William Forsyth
Gender: Male
Christening Date: 11 Nov 1821
Birth Date: 15 Oct 1821
Father's Name: James Forsyth
Mother's Name: Jane Miller
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C11651-5 , System Origin: Scotland-VR , GS Film number: 1066600 , Reference ID: - 2:16KSXNG 
William Forsyth

Scotland, Births and Baptisms
Name: William Forsyth
Gender: Male
Christening Date: 16 Apr 1826
Birth Date: 03 Apr 1826
Father's Name: Matthew Forsyth
Mother's Name: Helen Brown
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C11651-5 , System Origin: Scotland-VR , GS Film number: 1066600 , Reference ID: - 2:16KTN19

1881 Scotland Census
Name: William Forsyth
Age: 56
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1825
Relationship: Head
Spouse's name : Martha Forsyth
Gender: Male
Where born: Airdrie, Lanarkshire
Registration Number: 476/1
Registration district: Denny
Civil Parish: Denny
Town: Denny
County: Stirlingshire
Address: Stirling Street
Occupation: Baker Journeyman
ED: 3
Household schedule number: 26
Roll: cssct1881_132
Household Members: Name Age
William Forsyth 56
Martha Forsyth 55
James Forsyth 73

1891 Scotland Census ?????
Name: Wm Forsyth
Age: 66
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1825
Relationship: Head
Gender: Male
Where born: Shotts, Lanarkshire
Registration Number: 626B
Registration district: Calderhead
Civil Parish: Shotts
County: Lanarkshire
Address: Lanrack Farm
Occupation: Farmer
ED: 3
Household schedule number: 32
LINE: 13
Roll: CSSCT1891_228
Household Members: Name Age
Wm Forsyth 66
Alexr Forsyth 26
Thos Forsyth 22

1901 Scotland Census ????
Name:William Forsyth
Age: 77
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1824
Relationship: Father
Gender: Male
Where born: Lanark, Lanarkshire
Registration Number: 626B
Registration district: Calderhead
Civil Parish: Calderhead
County: Lanarkshire
Address: Stane Farne
Occupation: General Worker On Farm
ED: 1
Household schedule number: 118
LINE: 17
Roll: CSSCT1901_251
Household Members: Name Age
Thomas Forsyth 32
Lizzie Forsyth 25
Alexander Forsyth 36
William Forsyth 77
Mary Reid 21
Janet Robertson 24
Tina Isdale 16
James Carswell 17
Edward Carnan 37
William Forsyth
Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922
Name: William Forsythe
Birth Date: 31 May 1852
Birth Place: Tasmania
Registration Year: 1853
Registration Place: Longford, Tasmania, Australia
Registration Number: 4260

Australia, Marriage Index, 1788-1950
Name: William Forsyth
Spouse Name: Ann Mary Maher
Marriage Date: 30 May 1877
Marriage Place: Tasmania
Registration Place: Longford, Tasmania
Registration Year: 1877
Registration Number: 629

Australia Cemetery Index, 1808-2007
Name: William Forsyth
Death Age: 86
Birth Date: abt 1852
Death Date: 21 Sep 1938
Cemetery: Ringarooma General Cemetery
Cemetery Location: Ringarooma, Tasmania

North-Eastern Advertiser (Scottsdale, Tas. : 1909 - 1954) Tue 27 Sep 1938 Page 2
(From our own correspondent)
Mr. W. Forsyth, Maurice Estate, died on Wednesday night after a long and painful illness. Mr. Forsyth, who was in his 87th year, came to reside in this district 27 years ago, and was a great favourite with everyone. Mrs Forsyth died seven years ago. They reared a large family of seven girls and six boys. One son (Tom) was killed at the Great War. Mr. Forsyth was a great supporter of the Ringarooma Co-operative Dairy Company, and was a member of the Board of Directors for many years. He was also a member of the Ringarooma Municipal Council and was the principal
one to get the North View deviation put through, which has proved a great boon to the farmers and residents of the district.
The funeral took place on Friday. Representatives from all parts of thedistrict were present. The coffin was of light oak and was covered with beautiful floral tributes. The chief mourners were Messrs W. Forsyth, E. Forsyth, H. Forsyth, A. Forsyth (sons), Messrs W. Williamson,
W. Carswell, C. Amos and R. Peters (sons-in-law), Masters F. Forsyth, T. Amos and R. Peters (grandsons). Messrs J. Waldron, R. Kidd, W. Carswell and T. J. Berwick were carriers.
The Rev. Allan Cutts officiated at the graveside, and Mr. G. Hampton was funeral director.

Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 - 1954) Thu 22 Sep 1938 Page 1
Family Notices
FORSYTHE. - On September 21, at his residence, Maurice Estate, Ringarooma, William, relict of Mary Ann Forsythe; in his 87th year.

FORSYTHE. - The funeral of the late William Forsythe is appointed to leave his late residence, Maurice Estate, Ringarooma, at 2 p.m. on Friday, for interment in the Ringarooma Cemetery. Friends are respectfully invited to attend. - G. HAMPTON, Funeral Director, Ringarooma. 
Baptised 26 Jul 1841 Elgin, Morayshire, Scotland

The Sydney Morning Herald 18 Sept 1875
FORSYTH - MORGAN September 15 at All Saints Church Petersham, by Rev H. A. Palmer, William Forsyth of Elgin Scotland, and Malvern Downes, Queensland, to Alice, second daughter of Leopold Morgan, of Tupper-street, Stanmore Rd, Sydney

William Forsyth
England, Select Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
Name: Wm. Forsyth
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 8 Jun 1816
Baptism Date: 29 Jun 1816
Baptism Place: Scotchchurch-NC,South Shields,Durham,England
Father: James Forsyth
Mother: Isabella Williamson
FHL Film Number: 0583803 (RG4 2416)

England & Wales, Non-Conformist and Non-Parochial Registers, 1567-1970
Name: Wm Forsyth
Birth Date: 8 Jun 1816
Gender: Male
Event Type: Baptism
Father: James Forsyth
Mother: Susanna Williamson
Baptism Date: 29 Jun 1816
Baptism Place: South Shields, Durham, England
Denomination: Presbyterian
Piece Title: Piece 1238: South Shields, Secession Church, East Street, (Presbyterian), 1803-1837
William Forsyth
Name William Forsyth
Gender Male
Birth Date 07 Sep 1863
Father's Name Andrew Forsyth
Mother's Name Elizabeth Paterson
Scotland Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950
Indexing Project (Batch) Number C11918-1
System Origin Scotland-ODM
GS Film number 6035516 
William Forsyth
The Argus Saturday 27 December 1890 Page 1
FORSYTH - HUDSON - On the 17th inst, at St Andrew's church, Carlton by the Rev. R D McEachran, William Forsyth, junior, of Rowchester-park, Hamilton to Flora Blanche, youngest daughter of the late J Hudson, Rockwood, Auburn.

Forsyth, William (18461923)
William Forsyth, n.d.
from Pastoral Review, 16 February 1924

Mr. William Forsyth, of Rowchester Park, Hamilton, Victoria, a well-known breeder of Lincoln sheep, died on 25th December last, aged 77 years. He was born at Kelso, Scotland, on 25th February, 1846, and in 1856 migrated to Adelaide with his parents. After spending two years on Glencoe Station, near Mt. Gambier, the late Mr. Forsyth's father purchased Rowchester Park, near Hamilton, in the Western District of Victoria.

Until young William Forsyth reached the age of 31 he worked with his father, and then for three years managed the Bassett Estate for the late Thomas Skene. It was while he was managing this property that he received his first insight into the breeding of Lincoln sheep. When he relinquished the management at the dispersal sale of the Bassett Estate he secured some of the best rams and ewes, and so formed the foundation of the Rowchester Park Lincoln stud flock.

In the early days this stud was conducted by the late William Forsyth and his brothers, but later it went under the name of Messrs. W. and R. Forsyth. In 1895 this partnership was dissolved, and the subject of this notice continued in sole control of the stud until his death.

He was a member of the council of the Australian Sheepbreeders' Association, also a council member of the Hamilton Pastoral and Agricultural Society.

Original publication
Pastoral Review, 16 February 1924, pp 119-20

William Forsyth
The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954) Sat 1 Jun 1901 Page 1
FORSYTH-- PIERCE.-On May 7, 1901, by Rev. H. Heineken-Marten, William, youngest son of the late John Forsyth, of Hestercombe, South Bridgewater, to Florence E. M. (Dollie), eldest daughter of George Pierce, Esq., Glenorchy.

Australia, Marriage Index, 1788-1950
Name: Florence Ellen Mary Pierce
Spouse Name: William Forsyth
Marriage Place: Tasmania
Registration Place: Tasmania
Registration Year: 1901
Page Number: 0284
William Forsyth
William Forsyth
1293 1 Nov 1855
Began journey to Australia with 3 sons and 2 daughters. Sailed aboard "Navarino" a 500 ton sailing ship with 236 people aboard and mastered by J Rippon.

Another son born on voyage - Robert Campbell (Campbell named after ships Dr Wm Campbell).

1841 6 Jun
Age: 23 Residence
Roxburghshire, Scotland1841 Scotland Census - Kelso - Parish No 793 - Maxwellhengh - James Forsyth 60 Mason, Euphemia 55, Euphemia 30, William 20 Stone Mason twin, Robert 20 Tailor twin

1843 7 Aug
Age: 25 Marriage to Frances (Fanny) McDOUGALL
Kelso, Roxburghshire, Scotlandat the Secession Church

1855 1 Nov
Age: 37 Emigration
Adelaide, South Australia, AustraliaBegan journey to Australia with 3 sons and 2 daughters. Sailed aboard "Navarino" a 500 ton sailing ship with 236 people aboard and mastered by J Rippon. Another son born on voyage - Robert Campbell (Campbell named after ships Dr Wm Campbell).

1856 21 Feb
Age: 38 Arrival
Adelaide, South Australia, AustraliaOn board Navarino

1857 ABT
Age: 39 Residence
Mt Gambier, South Australia, Australia1856-1858 After a few weeks in Adelaide, the family sailed to Guichen Bay, Robe in the SE of South Australia. From Robe they travelled overland to "Glencoe" a sheep and cattle station near Mt. Gambier. While at "Glencoe" William worked as stonemason

1858 12 Jun
Age: 40 Residence
Hamilton, Victoria, AustraliaWilliam & amily travelled by bullock dray into Victoria to The Grange (now known as Hamilton) & made their first home in a small house on Digby Road, 6 weeks later William learned that the property now known as Rowchester Park was for sale

190111 Dec
Age: 83 Death Notice
Hamilton, Victoria, AustraliaFORSYTH. At Rowchester Park, on the 11th inst., William Forsyth, aged 84 years. A Presbyterian sheep farmer and agriculturalist, he was buried at Hamilton 13/12/1901. Born 1/1/1818 at Kelso, Roxburghshire, Scotland, son of a mason, contractor and builder,

The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) Wed 18 Dec 1901 Page 1
Family Notices
FORSYTH.?December 11, 1901, at his late residence, Rowchester Park, Hamilton Victoria, William, fifth son of the late James Forsyth, Kelso, Scotland and beloved father of Adam Forsyth, Survey Office, Goulburn, aged 84.
William Forsyth
1294 1841 Scotland Census
about William Forsyth Name: William Forsyth
Age: 30
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1811
Gender: Male
Where born: Scotland
Civil parish: Speymouth
County: Moray
Address: Village Of Kingston
Occupation: House Wright
Parish Number: 143
Household Members: Name Age
William Forsyth 30
Mary Forsyth 30
Hellon Forsyth 6
William Forsyth 4
Jessie Forsyth 2
Mary Forsyth 7 MO
George Forsyth 20
Elisabeth Stewart 13

1851 Scotland Census
about William Forsyth Name: William Forsyth
Age: 39
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1812
Relationship: Head
Spouse's Name: Mary Forsyth
Gender: Male
Where born: Corman Side, Rosshire
Parish Number: 143
Civil parish: Speymouth
Town: Kingston
County: Moray
Address: W Forsyth Ho
Occupation: House Carpenter Master Employing 1 Man
ED: 5
Page: 17 (click to see others on page)
Household schedule number: 74
Line: 16
Roll: CSSCT1851_32
Household Members: Name Age
William Forsyth 39
Mary Forsyth 39
Helen Forsyth 16
William Forsyth 14
Jessie Forsyth 12
Mary Forsyth 10
Margarett Forsyth 8
John Forsyth 5
James Forsyth 2
Isabella Forsyth 5 MO

1861 Scotland Census
about William Forsyth Name: William Forsyth
Age: 49
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1812
Relationship: Head
Spouse's name : Mary Forsyth
Gender: Male
Where born: Commonside, Ross
Registration Number: 144
Registration district: Urquhart
Civil parish: Urquhart
County: Moray
Address: Kingston
Occupation: House Carpenter, Employing 2 Men
ED: 6
Household schedule number: 72
Line: 1
Roll: CSSCT1861_20
Household Members: Name Age
William Forsyth 49
Mary Forsyth 50
Helen Forsyth 26
William Forsyth 24
Mary Forsyth 20
Margaret Forsyth 18
John Forsyth 15
James Forsyth 12
Isabella Forsyth 10
George Forsyth 7

1871 Scotland Census
about William Forsyth Name: William Forsyth
Age: 59
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1812
Relationship: Head
Spouse's name : Mary Forsyth
Gender: Male
Where born: Commonside, Ross-Shire
Registration Number: 646/1
Registration district: Govan Church
Civil parish: Govan
County: Lanarkshire
Address: 344 Govan Rd
Occupation: Ship Joiner
ED: 24
Household schedule number: 151
Line: 13
Roll: CSSCT1871_143
Household Members: Name Age
William Forsyth 59
Mary Forsyth 51
Helen Forsyth 36
Mary Forsyth 30
Isabella Forsyth 20
George Forsyth 17
Margaret I Forsyth 7
James Milon 25
John Smith 30

William Forsyth
1295 Australia Birth Index, 1788-1922
about William Forsyth
Name: William Forsyth
Father's Name: Alexander Forsyth
Mother's name: Isabella Davidson
Birth Place: Bright, Victoria
Registration Year: 1882
Registration Place: Victoria
Registration number: 719
William Forsyth
1296 Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922
Name: William Forsyth
Child: William Forsyth
Registration Number: 1498

Australia, Marriage Index, 1788-1950
Name: William Forsyth
Spouse Name: Florence Ellen Mary Pierce
Marriage Place: Tasmania
Registration Place: Tasmania
Registration Year: 1901
Page Number: 0284

Examiner (Launceston, Tas. : 1900 - 1954) Wed 30 Apr 1952 Page 9
Family Notices
FORSYTH - WEILY (Golden Wedding). - At Christ Church, Longford, by the Rev. L. T. Tarleton, on April 30 1902 William Forsyth and Emily Kate (Bell) Weily). Present address: 27 Mayne St., Launceston.

Spouse & Children

Emily Kate Weily

Constance Ellen Forsyth

Emily Henrietta Forsyth

Florence May Forsyth

Winifred Edna Forsyth

William Keith Forsyth

Norman Frank Forsyth

Bertha Mary Forsyth

Marjorie Jean Forsyth

1297 Baker.Birth may have been 1768. William FORSYTH
1298 Scotland, Births and Baptisms
Name: William Forsyth
Gender: Male
Christening Date: 29 Jun 1836
Birth Date: 16 Jun 1836
Father's Name: William Forsyth
Mother's Name: Mary Falconer
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C11143-4 , System Origin: Scotland-ODM , GS Film number: 990811  
William Forsyth
1299 Service Record
Service Royal Australian Air Force
Service Number 16276
Date of Birth 7 May 1916
Place of Birth NORADJUHR, VIC
Date of Enlistment 24 Apr 1940
Locality on Enlistment KELLERBERRIN
Place of Enlistment PERTH, WA
Date of Discharge 25 Feb 1946
Rank Corporal
Posting at Discharge 25 SQUADRON
WW2 Honours and Gallantry None for display
Prisoner of War No

Summary Of Record Information
First Name WILLIAM
Names are only recorded in capitals Application Number
Last Name FORSYTH KC00151761
See legend for application code details
Aged (Years) 86 Date of Death 01/07/2002
Ashes Request
1300 William Henry?? William Forsyth

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